The natural history of scapholunate
Introduction. Acute ankle injuries are commonly seen in musculoskeletal practice. Surgical management is the gold standard for lateral
Diagnostic wrist arthroscopy is considered the gold standard for evaluating wrist joint complaints. Although this tool is often used to diagnose and stage scapholunate ligament (SLL) lesions, reports about the possible findings and their clinical relevance are scarce. Therefore, this study describes the patient characteristics, arthroscopic findings, and treatment of patients who underwent diagnostic arthroscopy for suspected SLL injury. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients who underwent diagnostic wrist arthroscopy due to suspicion of a SLL lesion based on medical history, physical examination, and imaging. We systematically gathered arthroscopic findings and complications.Aims
Following ankle sprain, there can be many causes of disability including
Objectives. The injured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is thought to exhibit an impaired healing response, and attempts at surgical repair have not been successful. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is reported to be associated with wound healing, probably through transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). Methods. A rabbit ACL injury model was used to study the effect of CTGF on ligament recovery. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed for detection of changes in RNA levels of TGF-β1, type 1 collagen (COL1), type 2 collagen (COL2), SRY-related high mobility group-box gene9 (SOX9), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and matrix metallopeptidase 13 (MMP-13). Expression of related proteins was detected by Western blotting. Results. The current study showed that CTGF could promote the recovery of an injured anterior cruciate ligament. It can upregulate mRNA and expression of TGF-β1, COL1, COL2, SOX9, and tissue inhibitor of TIMP-1, and downregulate mRNA and expression of MMP-13, suggesting that the curative effect of CTGF on injured rabbit ligaments is through regulation of these cellular factors. Conclusions. This finding revealed the healing role of CTGF in injured tissues and provides new possibilities of treating injured tissues and wound healing by using CTGF. Cite this article: X. Sun, W. Liu, G. Cheng, X. Qu, H. Bi, Z. Cao, Q. Yu. The influence of connective tissue growth factor on rabbit
Chauffeur fractures or isolated radial styloid fractures (IRSF) are known to be associated with scapholunate ligament (SL) injuries. Diagnosis without arthroscopic confirmation is difficult in acute fractures. Acute management of this injury with early repair may prevent the need for more complex reconstructive procedures for chronic injuries. We investigated if all IRSF should be assessed arthroscopically for concomitant SL injuries. We performed a prospective cohort study on patients above the age of 16, presenting to the Gold Coast University Hospital with an IRSF, over 2 years. Plain radiographs and computerized tomography (CT) scans were performed. All patients had a diagnostic wrist arthroscopy performed in addition to an internal fixation of the IRSF. Patients were followed up for at least 3 months post operatively. SL repair was performed for all Geissler Grade 3/4 injuries. 10 consecutive patients were included in the study. There was no radiographic evidence of SL injuries in all patients. SL injuries were identified arthroscopically in 60% of patients and one third of these required surgical stabilisation. There were no post operative complications associated with wrist arthroscopy. We found that SL injuries occurred in 60% of IRSF and 20% of patients require surgical stabilisation. This finding is in line with the literature where SL injuries are reported in up to 40-80% of patients. Radiographic investigations were not reliable in predicting possible SL injuries in IRSF. However, no SL injuries were identified in undisplaced IRSF. In addition to identifying SL injuries, arthroscopy also aids in assisting and confirming the reduction of these intra-articular fractures. In conclusion, we should have a high index of suspicion of SL injury in IRSF. Arthroscopic assisted fixation should be considered in all displaced IRSF. This is a safe additional procedure which may prevent missed SL injuries and their potential sequelae.
The anterolateral ligament (ALL) is considered as an important stabilizer of the knee joint. This ligament prevents anterolateral subluxation of the proximal tibia on the femur when the knee is flexed and internally rotated. Injury of the ALL was not investigated in patients with knee dislocation. The aim of the current research is to study the prevalence and characteristics of ALL injury in dislocated knees. A retrospective review of charts and radiological images was done for patients who underwent multiligamentous knee reconstruction surgery for knee dislocation in our institution from May 2008 to December 2016. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to describe the ALL injury. The association of ALL injury with other variables related to the injury and the patient's background features was examined. Forty-eight patients (49 knees) were included. The mean age of the patients was 32.3 ± 10.6 years. High energy trauma was the mechanism of dislocation in 28 (57.1%) knees. Thirty-one knees (63.3%) were classified as knee dislocation (KD) type IV. Forty-five (91.8%) knees had a complete ALL injury and three (6.1%) knees had incomplete ALL injury. Forty (81.6%) knees had a complete ALL injury at the proximal fibres of the ALL, while 23 (46.9%) knees had complete distal ALL injury. None of the 46 (93.9%) knees with lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injury had normal proximal ALL fibres (p = 0.012). Injury to the distal fibres of the ALL, as well as overall ALL injury, were not associated with any other variables (p >0.05). Moreover, all patients with associated tibial plateau fractures (9, 18.4%) had abnormality of the proximal fibres of the ALL (p = 0.033). High grade ALL injury is highly prevalent among dislocated knees. The outcomes of reconstructing the ALL in multiligamentous knee reconstruction surgery should be investigated in future studies.
Forced external rotation is hypothesized as the key mechanism of syndesmotic ankle injuries. This complex trauma pattern ruptures the syndesmotic ligaments and induces a three-dimensional deviation from the normal distal tibiofibular joint configuration. However, current diagnostic imaging modalities are impeded by a two-dimensional assessment, without taking into account ligamentous stabilizers. Therefore, our aim is two-fold: (1) to construct an articulated statistical shape model of the normal ankle with inclusion of ligamentous morphometry and (2) to apply this model in the assessment of a clinical cohort of patients with syndesmotic ankle injuries. Three-dimensional models of the distal tibiofibular joint were analyzed in asymptomatic controls (N= 76; Mean age 63 +/− 19 years), patients with syndesmotic ankle injury (N = 13; Mean age 35 +/− 15 years), and their healthy contralateral equivalent (N = 13). Subsequently, the statistical shape model was generated after aligning all ankles based on the distal tibia. The position of the syndesmotic ligaments was predicted based on previously validated iterative shortest path calculation methodology. Evaluation of the model was described by means of accuracy, compactness and generalization. Canonical Correlation Analysis was performed to assess the influence of syndesmotic lesions on the distal tibiofibular joint congruency.Introduction and Objective
Materials and Methods
Injuries to the lateral ligamentous complex of the ankle are common. The most commonly injured ligament is the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) followed by the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL). The posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) is less commonly injured. There are few studies reporting the incidence of PTFL injury and less data available which describes the significance of this injury. We aim to establish an incidence of PTFL injury and allude to the possible significance of such an injury. A retrospective review of patient notes and magnetic resonance (MR) scans dating from September 2007 to present day was undertaken. Patients complaining of acute or chronic ankle pain, swelling, and instability were included in the study. Exclusion criteria consisted of patients that had undergone previous surgery to the ankle. Routine MR was performed on all patients with oblique axial, coronal and sagittal views taken. 312 patients were included in the study. The incidence of PTFL injury was 10.9%. The PTFL never ruptured in isolation. In 12.3% of patients the PTFL had ruptured with the ATFL and in 28.6% of patients it had ruptured with the CFL. Osteochondral defects were also present in the majority of patients with PTFL failure (57.1%).Methods
Stable Weber B fractures are typically treated non-operatively without complications but require close monitoring due to concerns over potential medial deltoid
One-fourth of all ankle trauma involve injury to the syndesmotic ankle complex, which may lead to syndesmotic instability and/or posttraumatic ankle osteoarthritis in the long term if left untreated. The diagnosis of these injuries still poses a deceitful challenge, as MRI scans lack physiologic weightbearing and plain weightbearing radiographs are subject to beam rotation and lack 3D information. Weightbearing cone-beam CT (WBCT) overcomes these challenges by imaging both ankles during bipedal stance, but ongoingdebate remains whether these should be taken under weightbearing conditions and/or during application of external rotation stress. The aim of this study is study therefore to compare both conditions in the assessment of syndesmotic ankle injuries using WBCT imaging combined with 3D measurement techniques. In this retrospective study, 21 patients with an acute ankle injury were analyzed using a WBCT. Patients with confirmed syndesmotic
Abstract. Objectives. Tendon and
This study describes the introduction of a virtual pathway for the management of suspected scaphoid fractures and reports patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and satisfaction following treatment with this service. All adult patients that presented with a clinically suspected scaphoid fracture that was not visible on presentation radiographs over a one-year period were eligible for inclusion in the pathway. Demographics, examination findings, clinical scaphoid score (CSS) and standard four view radiographs were collected at presentation. All radiographs were reviewed virtually by a single consultant hand surgeon, with patient-initiated follow-up on request. PROMs were assessed at a minimum of one year post presentation and included the QuickDASH, EQ-5D-5L, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and return to work. There were 221 patients referred to the virtual pathway. The mean age was 41 (range 16–87; SD 18.4 years) and there were 99 men (45%). There were 189 (86%) patients discharged with advice and 19 (9%) patients were recalled for clinical review (seven undisplaced scaphoid fractures, six other acute fractures of the hand or wrist, two scapholunate
Abstract. Background. Fracture dislocation of the knee involves disruption of two or more knee ligaments with associated tibial plateau fracture. If these injuries are not evaluated swiftly, can result in a limb-threatening injury. The aim of this study is to look at the clinical outcomes of a single surgeon case series at a major trauma centre. Methods. Prospectively collected data was analysed for a 5-year period. Primary outcome measures used were International Knee Documented Committee(IKDC) score and Knee Injury & Osteoarthritis Outcome Score(KOOS). The secondary outcome measures include Tegner activity scale, knee range of movements & complications. Results. 23 patients were presented with the mean age was 37 years(17–74). 14% of patients sustained vascular injury & 19% had common peroneal nerve injury. Priority was given for early total repair/reconstruction with fracture fixation within 3 weeks where feasible (90% of patients), and if not, a staged approach was adopted. The mean IKDC score was 67 & KOOS was 73. The mean postoperative Tegner Activity Scale was 3.6 with mean flexion of 115(90–130). We observed some patterns of tibial plateau fractures are associated with similar patterns of
Patellar dislocation is a common presentation with a clear management pathway. Sometimes, however, what a patient experiences as the patella dislocating may, in fact, be ACL insufficiency. We reviewed case notes and imaging of 315 consecutive ACL reconstructions, collecting data on the date and mechanism of injury, time to MRI, and reconstruction. We noted cases initially diagnosed as patellar dislocation. 25 of 315 (7.9%) patients were initially diagnosed with a patellar dislocation. Subsequently, however, MRI scans revealed no evidence of patellar dislocation and instead showed ACL rupture with pathognomonic pivot-shift bony oedema. The false patella dislocation group were 32% female and had an average age of 25; the rest of the group average age was 27.1 and there were a lower proportion of females; 21%. The false patella instability patients had a median waiting time of 412 days from injury to operation (range: 70-2445 days), compared to 392 days (range: 9 – 4212 days) for rest of the patients. 5 of the remaining 290 had MRIs showing patella oedema with medial patello-femoral
Abstract. Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine if elite athletes could return to professional sport after MCL or PLC reconstruction using LARS ligaments and to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of LARS by reporting sport longevity, subsequent surgeries and complications. Methods. A retrospective review of all extra-articular knee ligament reconstructions in elite athletes utilising LARS ligaments by 3 knee surgeons between January 2013 and October 2020 was undertaken. Return to play (RTP) was defined as competing at professional level or national/ international level in amateur sport. Results. Sixty-four (84.2%) MCL and 12 (15.8%) PLC reconstructions utilising LARS in elite athletes were included. 52 (68.4%) underwent concomitant cruciate(s) reconstruction. The mean age was 25.1 years (SD +/− 4.50. Most were football (35, 46.1%) or rugby players (35, 46.1%). Sixty-seven athletes (88.2%) RTP with 65 (97.0%) of these playing at the same or higher Tegner level. 56 (83.6%) and 20 (57.1%) were still playing at 2 and 5 years post-surgery. Six (7.9%) players (5 of whom RTP) required further surgery relating to the LARS / metalwork and there was one case of adverse local inflammatory reaction to the synthetic material. There was one MCL re-rupture, sustained 4 years after RTP. Conclusion. Utilising LARS in extra-articular knee ligament reconstructions allows 88.2% of athletes, with a variety of knee
Introduction. The treatment of posterior malleolar fractures is developing. Mason and Molloy (Foot Ankle Int. 2017 Nov;38(11):1229-1235) identified only 49% of posterior malleolar rotational pilon type fractures had syndesmotic instabilities. This was against general thinking that fixation of such a fragment would stabilize the syndesmosis. Methods. We examined 10 cadaveric lower limbs that had been preserved for dissection at the Human Anatomy and Resource Centre at Liverpool University in a solution of formaldehyde. The lower limbs were carefully dissected to identify the ligamentous structures on the posterior aspect of the ankle. To compare the size to the rotational pilon posterior malleolar fracture (Mason and Molloy 2A and B) we gathered information from our posterior malleolar fracture database. 3D CT imaging was analysed using our department PACS system. Results. The PITFL insertion on the posterior aspect of the tibia is very large. The average size of insertion was 54.9×47.1mm across the posterior aspect of the tibia. Medially the PITFL blends into the sheath of tibialis posterior and laterally into the peroneal tendon sheath. 78 posterior lateral and 35 posterior medial fragments were measured. On average, the lateral to medial size of the posteromalleolar fragment was 24.5mm in the posterolateral fragment, and 43mm if there is a posteromedial fragment present also. The average distal to proximal size of the posterolateral fragment was 24.5mm and 18.5mm for the posteromedial fragment. Conclusion. The PITFL insertion on the tibia is broad. In comparison to the average size of the posterior malleolar fragments, the PITFL insertion is significantly bigger. Therefore, for a posterior malleolar fracture to cause posterior syndesmotic instability, a
Background. Supination-external rotation (SER) injuries make up 80% of all ankle fractures. SER stage 2 injuries (AITFL and Weber B) are considered stable. SER stage 3 injury includes disruption of the posterior malleolus (or PITFL). In SER stage 4 there is either medial malleolus fracture or deltoid injury too. SER 4 injuries have been considered unstable, requiring surgery. The deltoid ligament is a key component of ankle stability, but clinical tests to assess deltoid injury have low specificity. This study specifically investigates the role of the components of the deep deltoid ligament in SER ankle fractures. Aim. To investigate the effect of deep deltoid
Chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) is treated operatively, whereas acute