Introduction: Planovalgus is a clinical deformity on weightbearing. Extra-articular calcaneal lengthening osteotomy, is a recognised surgical treatment for symptomatic flat feet. The aim of this study was to assess the difference in pedal pressures and radiographic parameters in the assessment of patients undergoing
Most of the controversy surrounding management of the adult acquired flatfoot deformity revolves around the correction of Stage 2 deformity. Stage 1 deformity, uncommonly corrected surgically, involves tenosynovitis with preservation of tendon length and absence of structural deformity. Attempts at tenosynovectomy in light of structural deformity leads to operative failure, found in 10% of Teasdall and Johnson's 1992 patient population. Thus, with tenosynovectomy rarely becoming an operative situation, Stage 2 deformity becomes the mainstay of operative treatment of the adult flatfoot. Stage 2 deformity patients present with swelling medially, the inability to do a single heel raise, with a passively correctable subtalar joint. The tendon is functionally torn. In recent years, authors have subdivided Stage 2 deformity even further into A and B subcategories, where A involves less than 50% uncovering of the talonavicular joint, and B patients more than 50%. Recently, Anderson has added a C subtype, which may be applied to either A and B patients, in patients who have forefoot varus. Thus, Stage 2 patients suffer from pain that begins medially and progresses to the subfibular region over time. Most important, recognition of the continued sub classification in Stage 2 disease echoes the fact that this disorder is on a continuum, challenging the surgeon to recognize subtleties that, if unrecognized, lead to a poor patient outcome. The mainstay of treatment in Stage 2 disease is the medial slide calcaneal osteotomy, which realigns the hindfoot axis reducing valgus, improves the medial arch, protects the FDL tendon transfer, and allows the Achilles tendon to become a strong inverter. Over shift of the calcaneus can compromise the outcome, as will a lack of recognition of the congenital subtleties such that a valgus hindfoot can have a varus orientation to the calcaneus, both leading to lateral overload. A pure medial slide of a calcaneus that has a varus orientation does not correct deformity, rather, it creates it. Thus, an axial calcaneal view must be studied carefully, for a varus orientation may be corrected via a closing wedge osteotomy commensurate with the medial shift of the tuberosity. As noted above, the flexor digitorum longus tendon transfer is the staple procedure to replace the damaged posterior tibial tendon. This transfer balances the eversion power of the peroneal tendons, works in phase with the former posterior tibial tendon in the stance phase of gait, and replaces a painful diseased posterior tibial tendon. However, over tensioning the transfer results in a tenodesis rather than a functional tendon transfer, the relative weakness of the FDL tendon (30% as strong as the PTT) creates difficulty with heel raise, and inappropriate transfer to distal tarsal bones may compromise the result by limiting torque from the transferred tendon. Preservation of the posterior tibial tendon in combination with the transferred FDL tendon remains a consideration without answer, though Rosenfeld (2005) suggests a substantial improvement in strength through PTT preservation. Failure of the above protocol for treating Stage 2 disease most often revolves around the insufficient corrective power of the tandem procedures in longstanding ruptures. According to Guyton (2001), only 50% of patients report a perception in deformity improvement following FDL/calcaneal osteotomy procedures, and only 4% report a significant improvement in pre-existing deformity. Sangeorzan (2001) found such patients could not achieve a painless plantigrade foot due to acquired ligament laxity (primarily the Spring Ligament). Sangeorzan applied Evans' pediatric procedure to adults without confirming the pathomechanics of correction. Some speculate the windlass effect on the plantar fascia creates correction (refuted by Horton, 1998, finding the plantar fascia is loosened by a lateral column lengthening), others believe tightening the peroneus longus through
Introduction:. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the specific radiographic effects that the Cotton osteotomy confers when used in combination with other reconstructive procedures in the management of the flexible flat foot deformity. Methods:. Between 2002–2013, 198 Cotton osteotomies were retrospectively identified following IRB approval. 131 were excluded on the basis of ipsilateral mid/hindfoot arthrodesis, inadequate radiographs or being less than 18yrs old at time of surgery. Parameters including the articular surface angles of the hindfoot/forefoot, Meary's angle and a newly defined Medial Arch Sag Angle (MASA) were recorded. A matched group of patients who did not undergo a Cotton osteotomy but who underwent similar hindfoot reconstructive procedures served as historic controls. Results:. 67 Cotton osteotomies in 59 patients with a mean age of 45 years (range, 18–80) were evaluated. Concomitant procedures included combinations of tibialis posterior tendon (PTT) reconstruction, Evans
Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a well-recognised condition. It commonly occurs in middle aged overweight women. In contrast to most tendon pathology, the tendon is still often intact and the tendon is stretched rather than completely ruptured. The diagnosis can be made on clinical grounds. Clinical features include acquired flatfoot deformity, inability to perform a single heel raise, ‘too many toes’ sign and loss of inversion power with the foot in forced plantarflexion. Disease is staged into four stages, Stage II is the most common presentation. Treatment options for Stage I are non-operatively including rest and antiinflammatories. Surgical treatment for this is required if this fails or progresses to next stage. Treatment for Stage II disease is most commonly a tendon transfer using FDL tendon transfer and some bony procedure, most commonly calcaneal osteotomy. More recently move to sub-classify Stage II into sub-classification depending on severity of hindfoot valgus and presence of fixed forefoot varus. Other treatment options for Stage II include
Introduction:. In a consecutive series of 71 arthroscopic subtalar arthrodeses performed between 2004 and 2011, 14 also involved arthroscopic decortication of the talonavicular joint (double arthrodesis) and 4 the subtalar, talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints (triple arthrodeses). Methods:. We examined complications, union rates in all 18 patients and clinical outcomes in 16 for whom this was the sole procedure. Results:. Mean age was 62 (45–78). Two talonavicular joints failed to unite and a third patient suffered a diabetic Charcot midfoot neuro-arthropathy. These patients' outcomes were classified as poor. Two patients underwent planned major ankle or midfoot surgery in addition to arthroscopic double arthrodeses. These joints united but these patients were not included in the clinical review to avoid confounding outcomes. Mean follow-up for the remaining 13 patients was 4.4 (1.75–7.5) years. There were no immediate perioperative complications. All 4 patients with triple fusions united with good or excellent outcomes. The nine patients receiving double arthrodesis united with 8 good or excellent outcomes. The remaining patient reported good deformity correction and stability but disappointing pain relief, (classification poor). Conclusions:. Double and triple arthrodeses remain valid salvage options for painful arthrosis and severe deformity. Preservation of the calcaneocuboid joint permits a relative
Introduction. Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) has been designed to treat complex tibial, foot and ankle deformities using computer software. We have performed various osteotomies in combination with different soft tissue procedures, with the use of TSF. Material and Methods. A retrospective study of 20 consecutive patients operated by, senior author SSM, from 2004 onwards who underwent surgical correction of tibia, ankle, midfoot and hind foot including
Introduction: Adult acquired flat foot deformity is recognised as a spectrum of pathology related to tibialis posterior dysfunction (TPD) and plantar ligament insufficiency. Cobb has described a method of reconstruction in pure Johnson and Strom type II TPD using a split Tibialis Anterior musculo-tendinous graft. Methods: We describe a prospective study of 32 patients treated by the Cobb technique and a medial displacement translational os calcis osteotomy for Johnson and Strom type II TPD. There were 28 females and four males (age range 44–66, average 54) each with unilateral disease. The average follow up was 5.1 years, range 3 to 7.2 years. Each patient had failed conservative management and the staging was confirmed clinically and radiologically (ultrasound scanning and MRI). The surgery was performed as described by Cobb but with a bone tunnel in the navicular rather than the medial cuneiform. Postoperative immobilisation in plaster was for eight weeks followed by orthotics and physiotherapy. Results: All the os calcis osteotomies healed uneventfully. 29 of the 32 patients were able to perform a single heel rise test (none prior to surgery) at twelve months follow-up. These patients had grade 5 power of the tibialis posterior tendon. The others had grade 4 power and were also happy with the result. The mean American orthopaedic foot and ankle society (AOFAS) hindfoot score was 82. There was one superficial wound infection successfully treated by antibiotics and a temporary dysaesthesia in the medial plantar nerve in another. Discussion: This prospective study confirms that the Cobb technique is an excellent method of treating pure Johnson and Strom type II TPD after failed conservative management. The procedure is performed with a medial displacement os calcis osteotomy but in selected cases may be combined with spring ligament repair and
We analyzed the radiographic results of patients treated surgically for flatfoot deformity and who underwent medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy as part of the operative procedure. The aim of this study was to confirm the utility of the cuneiform osteotomy as part of the correction of hindfoot and ankle deformity. All patients requiring operative management of flatfoot deformity between January 2002 and December 2007 were prospectively entered in a database. We selected all patients who underwent medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy. We measured standardized and validated radiographic parameters on pre and post-operative weight bearing radiographs of the foot. All radiographs were assessed using the digital imaging software package (Siemens). The following measurements were used: lateral talus-1st metatarsal angle; medial cuneiform to floor distance (mm), talar declination angle, calcaneal-talar angle, calcaneal pitch angle, 1st metatarsal declination angle, talonavicular coverage angle, and anteroposterior talus-1st metatarsal angle. Other variables including concomitant surgical procedures, healing of the osteotomy, malunion, and adjacent joint arthritis were also noted. There were 86 patients with a mean age of 36 years (range 9–80). 15 patients had bilateral surgery. The aetiology of the deformity was flexible flat-foot in 48, rupture of the posterior tibial tendon in 41, rigid flatfoot deformity with a fixed forefoot supination deformity in 7, and fixed forefoot varus with metatarsus elevatus in 5. In addition to an opening wedge medial cuneiform osteotomy, a