Aims. Mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) with a flat tibial plateau has not performed well in the lateral compartment, leading to a high rate of dislocation. For this reason, the Domed
INTRODUCTION. Medial and lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) are both reliable treatment options for isolated osteoarthritis. Postoperative lower leg alignment is known to play an important role on short-term functional outcomes, which is an important argument for the use of robotic-assisted surgery. Since several anatomical and kinematic differences exist between both compartments, it seems inaccurate to aim for similar postoperative lower leg alignment in medial and
Objectives. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is a demanding procedure, with tibial component subsidence or pain from high tibial strain being potential causes of revision. The optimal position in terms of load transfer has not been documented for
Partial knee arthroplasty (PKA), either medial
or lateral unicompartmental knee artroplasty (UKA) or patellofemoral arthroplasty
(PFA) are a good option in suitable patients and have the advantages
of reduced operative trauma, preservation of both cruciate ligaments
and bone stock, and restoration of normal kinematics within the
knee joint. However, questions remain concerning long-term survival.
The goal of this review article was to present the long-term results
of medial and
Lateral meniscal failure and secondary valgus with lateral compartment arthrosis is quite common in the developed world. The varus knee is the common phenotype of the ‘jock’ of both genders, while the valgus knee is a common consequence of lateral meniscal tear, skiing or ‘catwalk’ life. Occurring more commonly in ‘flamingo’ phenotypes, lateral meniscal failure can be disabling, entirely preventing high heels being worn for instance. Indications.
Introduction. A key outcome measured by national joint registries are revision events. This informs best practice and identifies poor-performing surgical devices. Although registry data often record reasons for revision arthroplasty, interpretation is limited by lack of standardised definitions of revision reasons and objective assessment of radiologic and laboratory parameters. Our study aim was to compare reasons for unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) revision reported to the New Zealand Joint Registry (NZJR) with reasons identified by independent clinical review. Methods. A total of 2,272 patients undergoing primary medial and
Introduction. Limb alignment after unicondylar knee arthroplasty (UKA) has a significant impact on surgical outcomes. The literature lacks studies that evaluate the limb alignment after
Background. Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty (UKA) is a recognised treatment option in the management of lateral Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Whilst there is extensive evidence on the indications and contraindcations in Medial UKA there is limited evidence on this topic in
Aims. Commonly performed unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is not designed for the lateral compartment. Additionally, the anatomical medial and lateral tibial plateaus have asymmetrical geometries, with a slightly dished medial plateau and a convex lateral plateau. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the native knee kinematics with respect to the tibial insert design corresponding to the lateral femoral component. Methods. Subject-specific finite element models were developed with tibiofemoral (TF) and patellofemoral joints for one female and four male subjects. Three different TF conformity designs were applied. Flat, convex, and conforming tibial insert designs were applied to the identical femoral component. A deep knee bend was considered as the loading condition, and the kinematic preservation in the native knee was investigated. Results. The convex design, the femoral rollback, and internal rotation were similar to those of the native knee. However, the conforming design showed a significantly decreased femoral rollback and internal rotation compared with that of the native knee (p < 0.05). The flat design showed a significant difference in the femoral rollback; however, there was no difference in the tibial internal rotation compared with that of the native knee. Conclusion. The geometry of the surface of the lateral tibial plateau determined the ability to restore the rotational kinematics of the native knee. Surgeons and implant designers should consider the geometry of the anatomical lateral tibial plateau as an important factor in the restoration of native knee kinematics after
Lower limb alignment after unicondylar knee arthroplasty (UKA) has a significant impact on surgical outcomes. The literature lacks studies that evaluate the limb alignment after
Lower limb alignment after unicondylar knee arthroplasty (UKA) has a significant impact on surgical outcomes. The literature lacks studies that evaluate the limb alignment after
Introduction. Chronic uneven distribution of forces over the articular cartilage, which are present in OA, has been shown to be a risk factor for the development of OA. Certain regions of the articular cartilage will be exposed to increased chronic peak loads, whereas other regions encounter a corresponding relative reduction of transmitted forces. This has a well known influence on cartilage viability and is a precursor of degenerative progression. Congruence of joints has an important impact on force distribution across articular surfaces. Therefore, tibiofemoral incongruence could lead to alterations of load distribution and ultimately to progressive degenerative changes. In clinical practice the routine method for evaluation of progressive OA is analysis of joint space width (JSW) using weight bearing radiographs. Recent studies have suggested that JSW has a strong positive correlation with cartilage compression, volume and meniscal extrusion. Lateral unicondylar knee arthroplasty (UKA) has gained increasing popularity over the last decade in the treatment of isolated unicompartmental osteoarthritis (OA). However, progressive degenerative alterations of the medial compartment following lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty remains a leading cause of revision surgery. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the medial compartment congruence (MCC) and joint space width (JSW) alterations following
Introduction: Unicompartmental knee Arthroplasty (UKA) is a commonly used and accepted treatment for Osteoarthritis (OA) in the medial compartment. How-ever, despite some good results. 1. there is still a reluctance to use this procedure in the lateral compartment for the same indications, as the procedure is considered technically difficult, and not as successful. 2. This study reports the clinical outcome of lateral UKAs in comparison with medial UKAs, TKAs and a normal population group using a knee score designed to highlight the shortcomings of TKA. 3. . Methods: 20 consecutive patients over 2 years following
The objective of the present study was to analyse kinematics of subjects having a UKA during stance phase of gait, where the ACL was intact at the time of the operative procedure. Femorotibial contact positions for nineteen subjects (15 medial UKA (MUA); 14
Introduction. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) has seen renewed interest in recent years due to improved surgical techniques and prosthetic design, and the desire for minimally invasive surgery. For patients with limited degenerative disease, UKA offers a viable alternative to total knee arthroplasty. Historically, the outcomes of
Introduction:. This is a case report of a 78 year old male who underwent outpatient mini-incision medial UKA using the haptic robotic guidance. The patient subsequently suffered a traumatic lateral meniscus tear and underwent a
Introduction. There has been renewed interest in the use of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) for patients with limited degenerative disease of the knee due to improved surgical techniques and prosthetic design, and the desire for minimally invasive surgery. However, patient satisfaction following
Introduction:. Isolated lateral compartment osteoarthritis (OA) occurs in 5–10% of knees with unicompartmental OA. Lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty has been limited in its prevalence due to challenging surgical technique issues. A robotic-arm assisted surgical technique has emerged as a way to achieve precise implant positioning which can potentially improve surgical outcomes. Methods:. 63 consecutive lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasties were performed by a single surgeon with the use of a metal backed, cemented prosthesis installed with the three-dimensional intra-operative kinematics and haptic robotic guidance. The average age of the patient was 72.7 years (range: 59–87) and the average BMI was 27.2 (range: 19.0–38.6). The follow-up ranged from 2 months to 30 months. Results:. All patients recovered flexion to an average of 130° at 6 weeks post-operatively, compared to an average of 127° pre-operatively. There was one revision to a total knee at 26 months post-operatively for progression of OA to the patellofemoral compartment. Conclusion:. Early results of robotically guided
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is a logic procedure when osteoarthritis or avascular necrosis is limitad to one femorotibial compartment. The indications for the procedure includes osteoarthrosis or osteonecrosis with full-thickness loss of articular cartilage limited to one of the tibiofemoral knee compartments. Physical examination should ensure full range of knee motion. Frontal and sagittal knee stability has to be tested. A particular attention should be given to the state of the anterior cruciate ligament. The status of the patellofemoral joint should be analysed by physical examination and patellofemoral view at 30, 60 and 90° of flexion. Preoperative anteroposterior varus and valgus stress radiographs should be done to confirm the complete loss of articular cartilage in the involved compartment, the full thickness cartilage in the opposite compartment and the possibility of full correction of the deformity to neutral. The so-called minimally invasive surgery (MIS) procedure using a specific instrumentation is able to provide quicker recovery since the extensor mechanism disruption is eliminated. More importantly the radiological evaluation has shown that precise implantation of the components is possible with an MIS approach which is important for the long term results of the arthroplasty. The clinical results at ten years of follow-up of cemented metal-backed UKA performed through a conventional approach have shown results comparable to those obtained with total knee arthroplasty. The in vivo kinematic evaluation of patients implanted with UKA has shown that kinematics similar to the normal knee can be obtained, enhancing the importance of a functional anterior cruciate ligament. Recent design improvements have increased the femorotibial area of contact to accommodate high flexion angles. Additionally our experience has demonstrated that modern UKA is a valid alternative for young and active patients with unicompartmental tibiofemoral noninflammatory disease, including both osteoarthritis and avascular necrosis. Compared to medial UKA
CURRENT INDICATIONS. The ideal patient for unicompartmental arthroplasty has been described as an elderly sedentary individual with significant joint space loss isolated to either the medial or lateral compartment. Angular deformity should be no more than 5 or 10 degrees off a neutral mechanical axis. Ideal weight is below 180 pounds. Pre-operative flexion contracture should be less than 15 degrees. At surgery, the anterior cruciate ligament is ideally intact and there is no evidence of inflammatory synovitis. (Kozinn, Scott, 1989) Indications for the procedure have broadened today because of the availability of less invasive operative techniques and more rapid recovery with UKA. Because of its conservative nature, the procedure is being thought of as a conservative first arthroplasty in the middle-aged patient. Because of its less invasive nature with more rapid recovery and potentially less medical morbidity, it is being considered as the “last arthroplasty” in the octogenarian or older. OUTCOMES OF UKA. Initial results reported for UKA in the 1970s were not as encouraging as they are today. This is most likely due to lessons that had yet to be learned about patient selection, surgical technique and prosthetic design. By the 1980s, reported results were improving with post-operative range of motion much higher than that reported for TKA. As longer follow-ups were reported, results were obtained that were competitive with those reported for TKA. Through the first post-operative decade, revision rates were being seen at approximately 1% failure per year or a 90% survivorship of the prosthesis at 10 years. More recently, however, some 10-year results have been reported that have survivorship well over 95% at 10 years. Modes of failure most often consist of problems with component wear or loosening or due to secondary degeneration of the opposite compartment. This latter complication is usually a late cause of failure, but can occur early if the alignment of the knee is over-corrected by the surgical technique. UKA AS AN OPTION IN THE MIDDLE-AGED PATIENT. Although the classic selection criteria for UKA have emphasised the elderly patient as a candidate, the indications for UKA have been extended to a younger age group. The advantages of UKA in the middle-aged patient (especially female) are its higher initial success, few early complications, preservation of both cruciate ligaments and easier future conversion. Caution should be used, however, in advocating this procedure for the young, heavy, athletic person, as high levels of physical activity may be detrimental to the longevity of the procedure.