Purpose. Clinicians need knowledge about early and valid predictors of short-term outcome of patients with hip fracture, to adjust and plan rehabilitation. The concept of multimodal rehabilitation has proven effective. Still, some patients do not regain basic mobility independency in the acute orthopaedic setting. The aim was to examine the predictive value of age, sex, prefracture functional level, mental and health status, and fracture type of in-hospital basic mobility outcome, and discharge destination after hip fracture surgery. Subjects. A total of 213 consecutive patients (157 women and 56 men) with a median age of 82 (25–75% quartile, 75–88) years, admitted from their own home, and following a multimodal rehabilitation concept, were included. Fifty percent of patients had a high prefracture functional level, evaluated by the New Mobility Score (NMS), 77 and 62% had respectively, a high mental and health status, and the distribution of cervical versus intertrochanteric fractures were equally divided. Methods. Outcome variables were the regain of independency in basic mobility during admittance and discharge destination. The Cumulated Ambulation Score was used to evaluate basic mobility defined as, independency in getting in and out of bed, sitting down and standing up from a chair, and walking. Discharge destination was classified as own home or further inpatient rehabilitation facilities in the community. Results. A total of 50 (24%) patients did not regain their basic mobility independence during admittance, and 51 patients (24%) were not discharged to their own home. Simple regression analysis showed that age, the prefracture NMS functional level, mental status and fracture type (P<0.01), significantly influenced basic mobility outcome, while sex (P=0.06) and health status (P=0.08), did not. Multiple logistic regression analysis, revealed the prefracture NMS level, age and fracture types as the only independent predictors, when adjusted for sex, mental and health status. Thus, a patient with a low prefracture NMS and/or an intertrochanteric fracture was respectively, 6 and 4 times more likely not to regain independency in basic mobility during admittance, and 4 and 3 times more likely not being discharged to own home, compared to a patient with a high prefracture NMS level and a cervical fracture, respectively. Further, odds of not being discharged directly to own home increased with 9% per each additional year the patient got older. Conclusion. The prefracture NMS functional level, age and fracture type were strong and independent predictors of
Aims. This study aims to evaluate the impact of metabolic syndrome in the setting of obesity on
Introduction. Bundled reimbursement models for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have resulted in an effort to decrease the cost of care. However, these models may incentivize bias in patient selection to avoid excess cost of care. We sought to determine the impact of the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) model at a single center. Methods. This is a retrospective review of primary TKA patients from July 2015-December 2017. Patients were stratified by whether or not their surgery was performed before or after implementation of the CJR bundle. Patient demographic data including age, sex, and BMI were collected in addition to Elixhauser comorbidities and ASA score.