Introduction. Non-union is an unfortunate outcome of the fracture healing process for some patients; with an estimated annual incidence of 17.4- 18.9 per 100,00. The management of these patients depicts a significant clinical challenge for surgeons and financial burden to health services. External ultrasound stimulation devices (Exogen. TM. ) have been highlighted as a novel non invasive therapy to achieve union in cases of delayed and non-union. The aim of the current study was to assess the rate of union in patients using
Background:. The
Purpose of study. The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of low intensity pulsed ultrasound,
This study reviewed all patients who received an
Percutaneous grafting of non-union using bone marrow concentrates has shown promising results, we present our experience and outcomes following the use of microdrilling and marrowstim in long bone non-unions. We retrospectively reviewed all patients undergoing a marrowstim procedure for non-union in 2011–12. Casenotes and radiographs were reviewed for all. Details of injury, previous surgery and non-union interventions together with additional procedures performed after marrowstim were recorded for all patients. The time to clinical and radiological union were noted. We identified 32 patients, in sixteen the tibia was involved in 15 the femur and in one the humerus. Ten of the 32 had undergone intervention for non-union prior to marrowstim including 4 exchange nailings, 2 nail dynamisations, 3 caption graftings, 2 compression in circular frame and 1 revision of internal fixation. Three underwent adjunctive procedures at the time of marroswstim. In 18 further procedures were required following marrowstim. In 4 this involved frame adjustment, 5 underwent exchange nailing, 4 revision internal fixation, 2 additional marrowstim, 2 autologous bone grafting and 3 a course of
Low intensity pulsed ultrasound (SAFHS,
*Winner of ISFR Young Investigator Award. Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the temporal expression pattern of factors related to cartilage and bone formation and endochondral ossification during standard and delayed bone healing for a more in-depth understanding of the molecular basis of disturbed bone healing and to elucidate suitable timing for substitution of factors to stimulate the healing process. Methods: A tibial osteotomy was performed in two groups of sheep (n=30 each) and stabilized with either a rigid external fixator leading to standard healing or with a mechanically critical one leading to delayed healing. Hematoma/callus tissue was harvested 4, 7, 14, 21 and 42 days postop. qPCR was employed to determine the expression patterns of BMPs and other molecules. Results: Gene expressions of BMP2, BMP4, BMP7, Noggin, MMP9 and MMP13 were distinctly lower in the delayed compared to the standard healing group at several time points from day 14, whilst no differential gene expression of Coll II and Coll X was found between both groups. Among the BMPs, BMP7 showed the most markedly differential expression. The first evident difference in BMP7 expression between both groups was found at day 14 suggesting that
The development of metalosis is a not commonly reported complication after THR. The exact reasons are still unknown, but hypersensitivity reaction is favored ahead of toxic effects, immune defects and