Aims. Osteoarthritis (OA) affecting the thumb
Introduction. Despite the rising popularity of 1st
Introduction. There are conflicting reports about the efficacy of injection to the thumb
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the outcome of de la Caffinière prosthesis in the management of rheumatic destruction of the first
Purpose of the study: To our knowledge, only qualitative data is available concerning the tension placed on the first carpometacarpal ligaments as a function of joint motion. The three articles published in the literature have provided discordant data. We conducted a quantitative study. Material and methods:. Digitalized computed tomographies of the
Introduction. The first
Aims: Prevalence and risk factors of osteoarthritis in the
Many different surgical procedures have been used to alleviate the pain of first
The current treatment options available for Trapezio-metacarpal arthritis are injection, splint and ultimately surgery. The injections are predominantly done by General practitioners and no data is available to specialist. To investigate accuracy of injection and efficacy of injection in terms of short and long term pain relief.Background
Our aim was to ascertain if K-wire configuration had any influence on the infection and complication rate for base of 4th and 5th metacarpal fractures. We hypothesised that in individuals whose wires crossed the 4th and 5th
Our aim was to explore factors associated with early post operative infection for surgically managed base of 4th/5th metacarpal fractures. We hypothesised that K-wires crossing the 4th and 5th
The October 2015 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: Base of thumb arthritis – steroids not a waste of time; De Quervain’s tenosynovitis and steroids; Use your therapy time wisely!; Excision osteotomy for the
Used routinely in maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, the chondrocostal graft is also applied to hand surgery in traumatic or pathologic indications. The purpose of this overview was to analyze at long-term follow-up the radiological and histological evolution of this autograft, in hand and wrist surgery. We extrapolated this autograft technique to the elbow by using perichondrium. Since 1992, 148 patients have undergone chondrocostal autograft: 116 osteoarthritis of the thumb
The comparison between surgical outcomes of trapeziectomy versus trapeziectomy with ligament reconstruction (LRTI) is well documented in the literature. We could not find any literature comparing these two procedures from a ‘patient-based outcome scoring’ perspective. The Patient Outcomes Of Surgery (POS) hand/arm questionnaire was used in order to assess the outcomes of 33 patients (23 Trapeziectomy and 10 LRTI). All surgery was carried out by the same hand surgeon. A telephone questionnaire was performed on each patient. The mean time post surgery was 15 months (range 1 to 27) and 20 months (range 7 to 30) for the Trapeziectomy and LRTI group respectively. There was statistically significant improvement in both groups for symptoms, physical activities and psychological functioning/cosmetic appearance. The Trapeziectomy alone group scored higher in all groups though this did not show statistical significance. There were statistically significant higher rates of complications in the LRTI group. LRTI surgery increased the tourniquet time by 28 minutes on average. Patient overall satisfaction was higher (85/100) in the trapeziectomy alone group than that of the LRTI group (75/100). Both trapeziectomy and trapeziectomy with LRTI offer a reliably way of treating arthritis of the
Wrist arthrodesis is a common surgical procedure that provides a high level of functional outcome and pain relief among patients.[1] Upon partial arthrodesis, the wrist experiences changes in load transmission that are influenced by the type of arthrodesis performed. Measuring the load through the wrist joint is difficult, however, combined with computational models [2], it is possible to obtain data regarding the load mechanics of the wrist joint. Although successful fusion rates among patients have been reported, it remains unclear what the biomechanical consequences are. The aim of the study is to quantify pre and post operative load transmission through a cadaveric wrist which has undergone simulated arthrodesis of the radiolunate(RL) joint. An embalmed human wrist was dissected dorsally exposing distal radius, radiocarpal and
Treating 10 consecutive patients requiring wrist arthrodesis, we assessed the effectiveness of a titanium plate specifically designed by Hill Hastings for wrist arthrodesis. It appeared to call for little or no postoperative casting and to promise an early return to functionality. We secured the plate to the third metacarpal and the radius and used autologous bone graft taken from their iliac crest. Length of time immobilisation, time to union, overall functional results and patient satisfaction were recorded. In all 10 patients clinical and radiological union occurred in 8 to 12 weeks. Four patients had no postoperative immobilisation and six had a Litecast. Correctly applied, the pre-contured plate produced a consistently satisfactory position of fusion. One patient had a small area of wound skin necrosis in a pre-existing transverse scar over the dorsum of the wrist, but this healed. The
The Mathys. ¯. finger joint replacement system offers a novel fixation method into the proximal and distal medullary canals and a semi-constrained articulation. This comprises a separable, form-fit joint with a distal/proximal play of 0.7 mm, a lateral excursion of 10°, and rotation of up to 6°. This has theoretical advantages of increased radio-ulnar stability, preventing ulnar drift in patients with rheumatoid disease, and enhanced osseointegration offering implant longevity. In our unit, however, high failure rates were noted, prompting a review of cases to quantify our suspicions. Case notes of all patients who underwent finger joint replacement using the Mathys. ¯. implant between 1999 and 2005 were retrieved. Twenty-two devices were implanted by a single surgeon during this period. Four were in finger proximal interphalangeal joints, 17 in finger metacarpophalangeal joints and one in a thumb
Purpose: Trapezium excision and arthroplasty combined with ligament reconstruction as a treatment for first