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The International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA), 29th Annual Congress, October 2016. PART 3.



Early hip OA may be attributed to smaller coverage of the femoral head leading to higher loads per unit area. We hypothesize that tight hamstrings may contribute to increased loads per unit area on the femoral head during gait. When a patient has tight hamstrings they cannot flex their pelvis in a normal fashion which may result in smaller coverage of the femoral head (Figure 1). This study aimed to determine if subjects with tight hamstrings can improve femoral head coverage during gait after a stretching intervention.


Nine healthy subjects with tight hamstrings (popliteal angle>25°) were recruited and consented for this IRB approved study. Gait analysis with 58 reflective markers were placed by palpation on anatomical landmarks of the torso and lower extremities. Ten optoelectronic cameras (Qualisys, Gothenburg, Sweden) and three force plates (AMTI, Watertown, MA) were used to track marker position and measure foot strike forces. Subjects walked at a self-selected speed across the force plates until ten clean trials were performed and then were scanned with the reflective markers on the spine using an EOS (EOS Imaging, France) bi-planar x-ray system. Following testing participants completed a six week stretching program to increase hamstring length. Pelvic tilt (PT) was measured at heel strike for each trial and averaged.

Using EOS scans the femoral head radius was measured using three points that best fit the load bearing surface on the sagittal view from the anterior acetabular rim to a point on the posterior acetabulum 45 degrees from vertical. The radius of femoral head and angle of acetabular coverage were used to calculate the load bearing surface area of femoral head. Load on the femur was calculated using an Anybody lower body model (Anybody Technology, Aalborg, Denmark) and load per unit area change was compared.


Nine participants completed the stretching program and post intervention testing. PA increased in all subjects (mean ± SD) 18.8° ± 11° (p<.01). Eight of nine subjects had an increase in anterior PT at heel strike resulting in a mean change of 2.1° ± 2.9° (p<.05). The change in PT resulted in a mean surface area change of 0.63cm2 ± 0.77 cm2(p<.05), which resulted in a mean pressure change of −57.9MPa ± 55.7MPa. Removing the one subject who decreased in anterior pelvic tilt resulted in a mean change in PT of 2.9° ± 1.2°, a mean change in surface area of 0.85cm2 ± 0.46 cm2, and a mean pressure change of −74.4 MPa ± 27.2 MPa. (Table 1)


This study verified the hypothesis that functional PT is influenced significantly by tight hamstrings. Using a stretching intervention program small changes in functional PT can be elicited that may significantly decrease the force per unit area on the femoral head and possibly the risk for developing degeneration joint disease. Although our study is limited by the small number of participants it does lend one significant benefit to intervene in patients who have chronically tight hamstrings.

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