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The International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA), 29th Annual Congress, October 2016. PART 1.



The optimum UHMWPE orthopaedic implant bearing surface must balance wear, oxidation and fatigue resistance. Antioxidant polyethylene addresses free radicals, resulting from irradiation used in cross-linking, that could oxidize and potentially lead to fatigue damage under cycles of in vivo use. Assessing the effectiveness of antioxidant (AO) polyethylene compared to conventional gamma-sterilized or remelted highly cross-linked (HXL) polyethylene is necessary to set realistic expectations of the service lifetime of AO polyethylene in the knee. This study evaluates what short-term antioxidant UHMWPE retrievals can reveal about: (1) oxidation-resistance, and (2) fatigue-resistance of these new materials.


An IRB-approved retrieval laboratory received 25 AO polyethylene tibial insert retrievals from three manufacturers with in vivo time of 0–3 years. These were compared with 20 conventional gamma-inert sterilized and 30 HXL (65-kGray, remelted) tibial inserts of the same in vivo duration range. The retrievals were

(1) analyzed for oxidation and trans-vinylene index (TVI) using an FTIR microscope, and (2) inserts of sufficient size and thickness were evaluated for mechanical properties by uniaxial tensile testing using an INSTRON load frame. Oxidation was reported as maximum oxidation measured in the scan from the articular surface to the backside of each bearing. TVI was reported as the average of all scans for each material. Average ultimate tensile strength (UTS), ultimate elongation (UE), and toughness were the reported mechanical properties for each material.


Maximum oxidation values differed significantly across material types (p=0.018, Figure 1). No antioxidant retrieval exhibited a subsurface oxidation peak, in contrast to conventional gamma-sterilized (55%) and highly cross-linked (37%) retrievals that exhibited subsurface oxidation peaks over the same in vivo time (Figure 2). Trans-vinylene index (TVI) correlated positively with nominal irradiation dose (p<0.001). Mechanical properties varied by material, with tensile toughness correlating negatively with increasing TVI (p<0.001, Figure 3).


AO polyethylene was developed to address the problem of free radicals in polyethylene resulting from irradiation used in cross-linking or sterilization. Each manufacturer used a different antioxidant or method of supplying the antioxidant. However, all of the antioxidant materials appeared to be effective at minimizing oxidation over the in vivo period of this study. The antioxidant materials prevented in vivo oxidation more effectively than both conventional gamma-sterilized and remelted HXL polyethylene, at least over the in vivo period represented.

The toughness, or ability of the material to resist fatigue damage, decreased with increasing irradiation cross-linking dose (increasing TVI). The AO polyethylenes evaluated in this study had lower toughness than conventional gamma-sterilized polyethylene, but they avoided the loss of toughness due to remelting.

Clinical relevance

Antioxidant polyethylene tibial retrievals showed superior oxidation resistance to conventional gamma-inert and remelted HXL inserts. Material toughness varied with the irradiation dose used to produce the material. Comparison of antioxidant retrieval tensile properties can be used as a guide for clinicians in choosing appropriate materials for the applications represented by their patients.
