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European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 24th Annual Meeting, 14–16 September 2016. Part 2.


The management of maxillofacial injuries requires restoring the contours of the facial skeleton to achieve an aesthetic outcome. When fractures are simple, open reduction and rigid fixation with stock titanium osteosynthesis plates is usually sufficient. However, when the damage is more substantial (when the fracture is comminuted or in case of a bone defect) anatomical landmarks are lost and the reconstruction requires the use of titanium meshes. These meshes are usually modelled intraoperatively to restore the contours of the bone. This can be a tough and time consuming task in case of minimal invasive approach and intraoperative edema. When the injury is unilateral, printing a 3D anatomical model of the mirrored unaffected side is an easy way to accurately pre-bend the mesh preoperatively. With the emergence of “low cost” consumer 3D printers, the aim of our study was to evaluate the cost of this technique in a department of maxillofacial surgery.

The first part of the study was to evaluate free software solutions available online to determine which of these could be used to create 3D virtual models from the patients' volume imaging data, mirror the model and export an STL file suitable for 3D-printing with a consumer 3D-printer. The second part was to identify the desktop 3D-printers commercially available according to the different technology used, their prices and that of consumables required.

Five free software solutions were identified to create STL meshes of the patient's anatomy from thin slice CT scan DICOM data. Two more were available to repair, segment and mirror them to provide a clean STL file suitable for 3D printing with a desktop 3D printer. The prices of 2 different printers were then listed for each of the 3 additive manufacturing technologies available to date. Prices ranged from 2,299 € for the Ultimaker 2+© (Fuse Deposition Modeling, FDM), to 4,999 € for the Sintratec© printer (Selective Laser Sintering, SLS), the Formlabs 2© (stereolithography) being at an intermediate price of 3,299 €. Finally, the cost of the manufacture of a model was calculated for each of these printers. Considering a model of a supraorbital ridge printed to restore the anterior wall of the frontal sinus, the volume of the mesh is around 20 cm3. This represents a cost of less than 1 € with the FDM technology, 4.70 € with stereolithography and 1.50 € with the SLS printer.

Since patents of additive manufacturing have become part of the public domain, the cost of 3D printing technology has fallen drastically. Desktop printers are now an investment accessible to a surgery department and the cost of the material is low. This allows the surgeons, by the mean of free software, to directly create 3D models of their patients' anatomy, mirror them if needed and manufacture a template to pre-bend titanium meshes that will be subsequently sterilized for the surgery. Having the printer in the department reduces manufacturing lead times and makes this technique possible even for urgent cases.