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European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 24th Annual Meeting, 14–16 September 2016. Part 2.


Tendinopathies represent the 45% of the musculoskeletal lesions and they are a big burden in clinics. Indeed, despite the relevant social impact, both the pathogenesis and the development of the tendinopathy are still under-investigated, thus limiting the therapeutic advancement in this field. Indeed, current treatment for tendinopathy are mainly symptomatic, and they present a high rate of pathology re-occurrence. In this contest, the development of an efficient in vivo model of acute tendinopathy, focused on the choice of the most appropriate species and strategy to induce the disease, would allow a better understanding of the pathology progression throughout its phases.

Then, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the dose-dependent and time-related tissue-level changes occurring in a collagenase-induced tendinopathy in rat Achilles tendons, in order to establish a standardized model for future pre-clinical studies.

40 Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups, treated by injection of collagenase type I within the Achilles tendon at 1 mg/mL (low dose, LD) or 3 mg/mL (high dose, HD). Tendon explants were histologically evaluated at 3, 7, 15, 30 and 45 days by H&E staining.

Our results showed that both the collagenase doses induced a disorganization of collagen fibers and increased the number of rounded resident cells. In particular, the high dose treatment determined a greater fatty degeneration and neovascularization with respect to the lower dose. These changes are time-dependent, thus resembling the tendinopathy development in humans. Indeed, the acute phase occurred from day 3 to day 15, while from day 15 to 45 it progressed towards the proliferative phase, displaying a degenerative appearance associated with a precocious remodeling process.

The model represents a good balance between feasibility, in terms of reproducibility and costs, and similarity with the human disease. Moreover, the present model contributes to improve the knowledge about tendinopathy development, and then it could be useful to design further pre-clinical studies, in particular in order to test innovative treatments for tendinopathy.