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The Current Concepts in Joint Replacement (CCJR) Spring Meeting, Las Vegas, May 2017.


Subscapularis tenotomy (SST) has been the preferred approach for shoulder arthroplasty for decades but recent controversy has propelled lesser tuberosity osteotomy (LTO) as a potential alternative. Early work by Gerber suggested improved healing and better outcomes with LTO although subscapularis muscular atrophy occurred in this group as well with unknown long-term implications. However, we previously performed a biomechanical study showing that some of the poor results following tenotomy may have been due to historic non-anatomic repair techniques. Surgical technique is critical to allow anatomic healing – this is true of both SST or LTO techniques. A recent meta-analysis of biomechanical cadaveric studies showed that LTO was stronger to SST at “time-zero” with respect to load to failure but there were no significant differences in cyclic displacement.

A recent study evaluated neurodiagnostic, functional, and radiographic outcomes in 30 patients with shoulder arthroplasty who had SST. The authors found that the EMG findings were normal in 15 patients but abnormal in the other 15 and that these abnormalities occurred in 5 muscle groups (not just the subscapularis). In another study, patient outcomes were inferior in those patients who had documented subscapularis dysfunction following SST compared to patients who had LTO (none of whom had subscap dysfunction). The literature is not clear, however, on ultimate outcomes based on subscapularis dysfunction post-arthroplasty with some studies showing no difference and others showing significant differences.