The purpose of this study was to compare lower limb joint mechanics in patients who underwent a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with either a posterior stabilised (PS) or with a medial pivot (MP) implant to healthy controls (CTRL) during stair ascent and descent tasks.
Six PS (age: 67.2±1.5 years, BMI: 31.0±3.2 kg/m2) and 11 MP (age: 62.3±6.0 years, BMI: 29.7±3.9 kg/m2) TKA patients matched to 10 healthy CTRL participants (age: 65.6±5.5 years, BMI: 27.2±5.0 kg/m2) were included in the study. TKA patients went through 3D motion analysis after unilateral TKA with either a MP (11.7±3.4 months post-surgery) or PS (10.1±3.4 months post-surgery) implant performed using either a subvastus or medial parapatellar approach. Kinematic and kinetic data was collected using a 10-camera Vicon and two portable Kistler force plates placed on the first and second stair of a three-step staircase. Nonparametric Kruskal Wallace ANOVA tests were used and Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to identify where significant (p < 0.05) differences occurred.
When comparing both stair tasks, stair ascent showed a larger number of significant differences in kinematic and kinetic variables than stair descent. Peak knee extension was significantly (p < 0.05) greater in both TKA groups compared to the CTRL during stair descent, whereas only the PS group had significantly (p = 0.02) greater knee extension angle than the CTRL during stair ascent. The PS group had a significantly (p = 0.01) lower peak knee extension moment than the CTRL group during both tasks and compared to the MP group during stairs ascent. During stair ascent, the MP group had significantly (p = 0.02) larger peak hip extension moments than both PS and CTRL group.
Greater knee extension angles in TKA groups at foot strike during stair tasks support the notion that TKA groups exhibit stiff knee during stance to reduce or avoid shear displacement on the operated knee. This could also result from many years of muscle adaptation waiting to receive a knee replacement. Reduced peak knee extension moment in the PS group during stairs tasks showed a quadriceps deficiency that could increase the risk of revision or of other joint replacement on the contralateral side or ipsilateral hip. MP group reproduced similar joint loading patterns as the CTRLs which may reduce their risk of revision. In conclusion, TKA patients continue to exhibit discrepancies from healthy knee mechanics during stair ascent and descent. Further research examining muscle function especially during stair ascent is warranted.