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The International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA), 28th Annual Congress, 2015. PART 4.



Rotator cuff tears are common injuries which often require surgical repair. Unfortunately, repairs often fail [1] and improved repair strength is essential. P2 Porous titanium (DJO Surgical, Austin TX) has been shown to promote osseointegration [2,3] and subdermal integration [4]. However, the ability of P2Porous titanium to aid in supraspinatus tendon-to-bone repair has not been evaluated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate P2 implants used to augment supraspinatus tendon-to-bone repair in a rat model [5]. We hypothesized that supraspinatus tendon-to-bone repairs with P2 implants would allow for ingrowth and increased repair strength when compared to standard repair alone.


Thirty-four adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were used (IACUC approved). Rats received bilateral supraspinatus detachment and repair with one limb receiving P2 implant. Animals were sacrificed at time 0 (n=3), 2 weeks (n=8), 4 weeks (n=9) and 12 weeks (n=14). Limbs were either dissected for histological and SEM analysis or mechanical testing as described previously [5]. Specimens for histology and SEM were embedded in PMMA for tissue-implant interface analysis. Specimens were first viewed in SEM under BSE to detect bony ingrowth, then stained with Sanderson's Rapid Bone Stain and viewed under transmitted and polarized light for tissue ingrowth. Comparisons were made using Student's t-tests with significance at p≤0.05.


No differences in cross-sectional area were detected at any time point (Fig 1A). Percent relaxation was significantly increased in the P2 group at 2 weeks, but not at 4 and 12 weeks (Fig 1B). Maximum load was significantly increased in the P2 group at 2 weeks, but not at 4 weeks (Fig 1C – maximum load not reported due to failure at grip at 12 weeks). Modulus was significantly increased in the P2 group at 4 weeks, but not at 2 or 12 weeks (Fig 1D). No differences were detected in stiffness at any time point (data not shown). BSE analysis demonstrated bone ingrowth (Fig 2) and histological analysis showed soft tissue integration (Fig 3).


Results indicate superior mechanical properties in the P2 group at 2 and 4 weeks, and tissue ingrowth at all time points. Importantly, at 2 weeks, the P2group had 76% increased maximum load compared to standard repair. As supraspinatus tendon re-tears are extremely common early [1] and occur at the tendon-to-bone interface, this finding supports the reduction of re-tear risk with the P2 implant. Although no differences were detected in maximum load at 4 weeks, the increase at 2 weeks denotes that P2 implants improved early tendon-to-bone healing. Additionally, at 4 weeks, the P2 implant group had significantly increased elastic modulus, further supporting increased mechanical properties due to the P2 implant. Clinically, improved early healing might allow faster rehabilitation and associated recovery. This study demonstrates that the P2 implant improves tendon-to-bone healing up to 4 weeks (with no detrimental effects at longer time points), suggesting that P2 porous titanium may be of benefit for use in clinical rotator cuff repairs.
