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Derriford Hospital gained Major Trauma Centre (MTC) status in April 2012, this led to a significant increase in the trauma case load. Our aim was to review registrar exposure to theatre and clinic in the elective and trauma setting. This was then compared to audits performed pre-MTC status and shortly following MTC changes to see if training standards were being maintained. Improvements in registrar rota planning were made following the previous assessment of training. Training was assessed with respect to national recommendations for registrar training.

Data was collected for 8 weeks in February and March 2014 for all 12 registrars, and cross-referenced with the on-call and daily rota. The data was divided into training and non -training registrars

Elective exposure had improved in both theatres and clinic along with trauma theatre exposure whilst fracture clinic exposure had reduced since the previous audit. The reduction may be a result of the on-call registrar no longer being present in fracture clinic when on-call in compliance with MTC guidance.

Rota management requires a fine balance between service and training commitments. Recent improvements to the management of the registrar rota appear to provide satisfactory training despite the pressures of MTC changes at Derriford Hospital.