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Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) 14th Annual Meeting



In total knee arthroplasty (TKA), the effectiveness of the mechanical alignment (MA) within 0°±3° has been recently questioned. A novel implantation approach, i.e. the kinematic alignment (KA), emerged recently, this being based on the pre-arthritic lower-limb alignment. In KA, the trans-cylindrical axis is used as the reference, instead of the trans-epicondylar one, for femoral component alignment. This axis is defined as the line passing through the centres of the posterior femoral condyles modeled as cylinders. Recently, patient specific instrumentation (PSI) has been introduced in TKA as an alternative to conventional instrumentation. This provides a tool for preoperative implant planning also via KA. Particularly, KA using PSI seems to be more effective in restoring normal joint kinematics and muscle activity.

The purpose of this study was to report preliminarily joint kinematic and electromyography results of two patient groups operated via conventional MA or KA, the latter using PSI.


Twenty patients recruited for TKA were implanted with Triathlon® prosthesis (Stryker®-Orthopaedics, Mahwah, NJ-USA). Seventeen patients, eleven operated targeting MA using the convention instrumentation (group A) and six targeting KA (group B) using PSI (Stryker®-Orthopaedics), were assessed at 6 month follow-up clinically via IKSS and biomechanically. Knee kinematics during stair-climbing, chair-rising, and extension-against-gravity were evaluated using three-dimensional mono-planar video-fluoroscopy (CAT® Medical-System, Monterotondo, Italy) synchronised with electromyography (Wave-Wireless, Cometa®, Milan, Italy). Component pose was reconstructed to calculate knee flexion/extension (FE), ad/abduction (AA), internal/external-rotation (IE), together with the rotation of the contact-line (CLR), i.e. line connecting the medial (MCP) and lateral (LCP) tibio-femoral contact points. MCP and LCP antero-posterior translations were calculated and reported in percentage (%) of the tibial base-plate length.


Postoperative clinical scores were better in group B. Knee/functional scores were 78±20/80±23 in group A and 91±12/90±15 in group B. AA range was found smaller than 3°, and physiological ranges of FE and IE were found in both groups. From extension to flexion, MCP translations were all anterior of about 13.8±5.6% anterior, 17.0±6.6% posterior and 15.4±6.6.9% posterior in group A, and 13.0±3.4%, 16.6±5.3% and 16.6±5.6% in group B; corresponding values for LCP were all posterior of about 9.5±3.6%, 11.1±4.3% and 8.7±2.6% in group A, and 102±2.1%, 13.7±8.6% and 14.6±9.8% in group B. These resulted in a CLR equal to 8.2°±3.2°, 10.2°±3.7° and 8.8°±5.3° in group A, and 7.3°±3.5°, 12.6°±2.6° and 12.5°±4.2° group B. Much more consistent patterns of motion were observed in group B.

A prolonged activation of the vastus medialis and lateralis was observed in group A.


These preliminary results show that better scores can be expected using PSI via KA. Although not relevant kinematic differences were observed between groups, more consistent patterns were observed in using PSI via KA. Furthermore, the observed less prolonged activation of the knee extensor muscles suggest that a more natural soft tissue balance is experienced in this group. These findings show a good efficacy of KA using PSI in TKA. The clinical/functional analysis of more patients and a longer follow-up are necessary to establish the claimed superiority of the novel approach.
