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West of Scotland Research Society (WOSORS) - Glasgow Meeting of Orthopaedic Research (GLAMOR)


Few doctors answer their bleep by stating who they are. Answering the phone in a formal manner is of utmost importance in the hospital setting especially by on-call teams who are normally referred patients by other specialties, general practitioners and in some cases by other hospitals.

An audit to evaluate the internal hospital communication was completed. In the first part of this audit, junior doctors within the orthopaedic department at the RAH were bleeped. Doctors were expected to answer by initiating the conversation by stating (1) name, (2) department, (3) grade and (4) a greeting. A list of omissions was recorded. If the call went through switchboard, it was expected that the hospital name was stated. The second part of the audit extended to other specialties in the RAH as well as orthopaedic departments in hospitals within the Greater Glasgow and Clyde health board (NHS GGC).

Forty-three bleeps were made to doctors of various grades over a period of two months. Nine bleeps (two from other hospitals) were not answered. Five doctors answered their bleep in full. Only twenty-one doctors stated their name whilst eleven stated their grade. In both instances the department was not necessarily stated. The results were similar between the different departments as well as between the seven hospitals offering an orthopaedic service within NHS GGC. Of the thirteen on-call doctors that were bleeped as an external call through switchboard, only one doctor stated the hospital name. This has implications since most hospitals within NHS GGC share a common switchboard.

These results emphasise the need for a protocol within NHS GGC for a standard etiquette for intra and inter hospital communication to ensure that patient safety and confidentiality is safeguarded.

Correspondence should be sent to: Miss N. Sciberras; email: