Acetabular retractors have been implicated in damage to the femoral and obturator nerves during total hip arthroplasty (THA). Despite this association, the anatomical relationship between retractor and nerve has not been elucidated.
A posterior approach to the hip was carried out in 6 fresh frozen cadaveric hemi- pelvises. Large Hohmann acetabular retractors were placed anteriorly over the acetabular rim, and inferiorly, as per routine practice in THA. The femoral and obturator nerves were identified through dissection and their relationship to the retractors was examined.
If contact with bone was not maintained during retractor placement, the tip of the anterior retractor had the potential to compress the femoral nerve, by passing either superficial to, or through the bulk of the iliopsoas muscle. If pressure was removed from the anterior retractor, the tip pivoted on the anterior acetabular lip, and passed superficial to iliopsoas, overlying and compressing the femoral nerve, when pressure was reapplied. The inferior retractor pierced the obturator membrane, medial to the obturator foramen in all specimens. Subsequent retraction resulted in the tip moving laterally to contact the obturator nerve.
Both the femoral and obturator nerves are vulnerable to injury around the acetabulum through the routine placement of retractors in THA. The femoral nerve is vulnerable where it passes over the anterior acetabulum. Iliopsoas can only offer protection if the retractor passes deep to the muscle bulk. If pressure is removed from the anterior retractor intra-operatively it should be reinserted. The obturator nerve is vulnerable as it exits the pelvis through the obturator foramen. Vigorous movement of the inferior retractor should be avoided. Awareness of the anatomy around the acetabulum is essential when placing retractors.