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West of Scotland Research Society (WOSORS) - Glasgow Meeting of Orthopaedic Research (GLAMOR)


A retrospective analysis was carried out to determine the influence of pre-existing spinal pathology on the outcome of Total Knee Replacement surgery. Data was collected from 345 patients who had undergone Total Knee Replacement, at four centres in the UK, between 2000 and 2007. Oxford Knee Scores (OKS), American Knee Society Scores (AKSS) and SF-12 questionnaires were recorded prospectively. Data was collected pre-operatively and then post-operatively at 3 months, 1 year and 2 years. Patients were divided into those with (n=40) and without a history of low back pain (n=305). In addition to determining the influence of low back pain on outcome after Total Knee Replacement we also examined the influence of concomitant hip and ankle pathology in the same cohort of patients.

OKS scores were significantly worse for patients with symptomatic low back pain at 3 (p=0.05), 12 (p=0.009) and 24 months (p=0.039) following surgery. SF-12 physical scores followed a comparable pattern with significance demonstrated at 3 (p=0.038), 12 (p=0.0002) and 24 months (p=0.016). AKSS followed a similar pattern, but significance was only reached at 1 year (p=0.013). The mental component of the SF-12 measure demonstrated a significant improvement in patients' mental health post-operatively for patients with no history of low back pain. In contrast patients with low back pain showed no improvement in mental health scores post-operatively.

In contrast to low back pain, hip and ankle pathology had no statistically significant detrimental effect on the outcome of Total Knee Replacement surgery.

This study demonstrates that low back pain significantly affects the functional outcome after Total Knee Replacement surgery and that patients with low back pain show no improvement in mental health post-operatively.

Correspondence should be sent to: Mr M.J.G. Blyth; email: