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Current Concepts in Joint Replacement (CCJR) – Winter 2012


While a tourniquet is traditionally used to obtain a dry field during primary TKA (and is also thought to reduce peri-operative blood loss), adverse effects of tourniquet use have been reported. Avoiding routine use of the tourniquet during TKA can minimise certain complications while improving the quality of the early result.

Most studies of TKA with and without tourniquet show little difference in all forms of blood loss except for intra-operative. Some studies even show less overall blood loss in groups without tourniquet use. Modern techniques to minimise intra-operative loss have included topical treatments, systemic medications, as well as a bipolar tissue sealer. Visualisation of bleeding vessels and their management intra-operatively can substantially reduce early post-op hemarthrosis.

Tourniquet use has also been related to post-operative thigh pain. This is a negative aspect of tourniquet use that can interfere with physical therapy and rehabilitation. Occasionally it can be a significant factor in post-op recovery. Data supports the fact that avoiding a tourniquet or at least reducing pressure to the minimum necessary may help to reduce post-operative thigh pain.

Ischemia and tissue damage can affect neuromuscular function and rehabilitation following TKA. The time necessary to achieve straight leg raising and knee flexion is delayed by tourniquet use during TKA. Compressive nerve injury also may result in secondary effects of denervation on distal tissues. This denervation can delay recovery of blood flow and increase vessel spasm, hemorrhage and edema. The degree of dysfunction is related to the magnitude of tourniquet compression.

Tension in the lateral retinaculum is directly affected by tourniquet use. Observations from these studies would indicate that lateral release should be performed only if found necessary after tourniquet deflation in order to minimise the potential morbidity that accompanies this procedure.

Although thrombo-embolic events can occur during TKA without, tourniquet use is associated with more frequent events when it is used.

Finally, it is prudent to avoid the use of a tourniquet in patients with vascular calcifications around the knee or abdomen due to advanced arteriosclerosis, previous bypass grafts, or reduced limb or tissue blood supply for any reason. Routine TKA with minimal tourniquet use greatly simplifies its performance in those settings where it is contra-indicated.