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Current Concepts in Joint Replacement (CCJR) – Winter 2012


Femoroacetabular impingement is defined as abnormal abutment between the femoral head, or the femoral head-neck junction, and the acetabulum. It is now established that FAI is a major etiological factor in the development of osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip.

FAI is increasingly recognized as a cause of hip pain in young active individuals. Clinical features of FAI include pain in the groin but this may also be felt in the gluteal region, trochanteric region, or in the thigh. Symptoms most commonly begin as an intermittent discomfort, often during or following periods of repetitive hip motion e.g. running, walking, progressing to more constant and intense pain. Stiffness is common, with reductions in the range of hip flexion, and internal rotation in particular. Patients may also complain of clicking, popping, or snapping sensations in the affected hip.

Operative treatment of FAI is principally aimed at removing cam lesions and increasing femoral head-neck offset (osteochondroplasty), and treating associated soft tissue lesions such as labral tears. Acetabular recession with labral reattachment is increasingly used for pincers lesions but great care is needed to ensure that the overall coverage of the hip is not reduced. As proficiency with arthroscopic techniques has improved, arthroscopic osteochondroplasty and labral debridement/repair has become increasingly popular for the treatment for FAI, with promising functional results in a range of studies.

150 consecutive patients who underwent hip arthroscopy for CAM type FAI with minimum 1 year follow up were prospectively studied. Patient satisfaction, non-arthritic hip score, re-operations and conversion to arthroplasty were analysed.

There were a total of 90 males and 60 females. The average age group was 32 years (27 to 46 years). All patients underwent osteoplasty of the CAM lesion and stabilisation/ repair of the labral tears. A comparison of pre procedure non arthritic hip scores with the scores at latest follow up (minimum 1 year, maximum 3 years) showed a significant improvement (56 vs 86; p <0.01). There were 2 re operations for unresolved symptoms and 1 conversion to arthroplasty for continued pain associated with significant loss of articular cartilage. Perineal numbness was noted in 9 patients all of which resolved. No other major complications were noted in this series. Hip impingement symptoms resolved in all cases and a good (20 %) to excellent (75%) outcome was reported.

Arthroscopic management of CAM type FAI is associated with subjective and objective improvement in hip function at early follow up. Longer follow-up is necessary to analyse the ability of this procedure to arrest progression of degenerative hip disease.