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Lower limb mal-alignment due to deformity is a significant cause of early degenerative change and dysfunction. Standard techniques are available to determine the centre of rotation of angulation (CORA) and extent of the majority of deformities, however distal femoral deformity is difficult to assess because of the difference between anatomic and mechanical axes. We found the described technique involving constructing a line perpendicular to a line from the tip of the greater trochanter to the centre of the femoral head inaccurate, particularly if the trochanter is abnormal. We devised a novel technique which accurately determines the CORA and extent of distal femoral deformity, allowing accurate correction.

Using standard leg alignment views of the normal femur, the distal femoral metaphysis and joint line are stylized as a block. A line bisecting the axis of the proximal femur is then extended distally to intersect the joint. The angle (θ) between the joint and the proximal femoral axis and the position (p) where the extended proximal femoral axis intersects the joint line are calculated. These measurements can then be reproduced on the abnormal distal femur in order to calculate the CORA and extent of the deformity, permitting accurate correction.

We examined the utility and reproducibility of the new method using 100 normal femora. θ = 81 ± sd 2.5°. As expected, θ correlated with femoral length (r=0.74). P (expressed as the percentage of the distance from the lateral edge of the joint block to the intersection) = 61% ± sd 8%. P was not correlated with θ.

Intra-and inter-observer errors for these measurements are within acceptable limits and observations of 30-paired normal femora demonstrate similar values for θ and p on the two sides.

We have found this technique to be universally applicable and reliable in a variety of distal femoral deformities.