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Confined Cancellous Defect Model for Bone Healing

International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) 2012 Annual Congress



Appropriate, well characterized animal models remain essential for preclinical research. This study investigated a relevant animal model for cancellous bone defect healing. Three different defect diameters of fixed depth were compared in both skeletally immature and mature sheep. This ovine model allows for the placement of four confined cancellous defects per animal.


Defects were surgically created and placed in the cancellous bone of the medial distal femoral and proximal tibial epiphyses (See Figure 1). All defects were 25 mm deep, with defect diameters of 8, 11, and 14 mm selected for comparison. Defects sites were flushed with saline to remove any residual bone particulate. The skeletally immature and mature animals corresponded to 18 month old and 5 year old sheep respectively.

Animals were euthanized at 4 weeks post-operatively to assess early healing. Harvested sites were graded radiographically. The percentage of new bone volume within the total defect volume (BV/TV) was quantified through histomorphometry and μ-CT bone morphometry. Separate regions of interest were constructed within the defect to assess differences in BV/TV between periosteal and deep bone healing. Defect sites were PMMA embedded, sectioned, and stained with basic fuschin and methylene blue for histological evaluation.


The animals tolerated the surgery well, with no incidence of fractures within the four weeks. Healing of the defects progressed via endochondral ossification, with none of the defects being completely healed within the 4 week time point. Bone volume fraction (BV/TV) significantly decreased with an increasing defect diameter. Actual bone volume (BV), however, increased with defect diameter, suggesting a correlation between biological response and severity of injury. Three distinct healing regions were found to exist within the defect and along the axis of the defect, with significant differences detected in the BV/TV between adjacent regions. Histologically, the 5 year old animals appeared to have decreased osteoblast activity, and lower osteocyte density within the newly formed woven bone.

On occasion, the defects were found to intersect the tibial growth plate in the 18 month old animals, with bone replacing the proliferating chondrocyte zone (See Figure 2). Additionally, the 14 mm defect was not able to be placed in the tibia of sheep due to the possibility of the defect entering the tibial intramedullary (IM) canal, and the lack of cancellous bone between the tibial plateau and IM canal. Both these issues considerably affect this model and should be avoided.


The surgical placement of 11 mm diameter defects in the proximal tibial and distal femoral epiphyses of skeletally mature sheep presents a suitable large animal model to study early healing of cancellous bone defects. This refined model allows for the placement of four separate non-healing defects within a single sheep, and allows for the possibility to reduce animal numbers required to obtain information.