Severe ‘discogenic’ back pain may be related to the ingrowth of nerves and blood vessels, although this is controversial. We hypothesise that ingrowth is greater in painful discs, and is facilitated in the region of annulus fissures.
We compared tissue removed at surgery from 22 patients with discogenic back pain and/or sciatica, and from 16 young patients with scoliosis who served as controls. Wax-embedded specimens were sectioned at 7μm. Nerves and blood vessels were identified using histological stains, and antibodies to PGP 9.5 and CD31 respectively.
Blood vessels were identified in 77% of ‘painful’ discs compared to 44% of scoliotic discs (p=0.013), and they were more common in the anterior anulus compared to the posterior (p=0.026). Maximum penetration of blood vessels from the peripheral anulus was 4.7 mm (in ‘painful’ discs) and 2.0 mm (in control discs), and penetration increased with histological grade of disc degeneration in the ‘painful’ discs (p=0.002). In 16/17 ‘painful’ discs, blood vessels were within 1 mm of an anulus fissure, or the disc periphery. Nerves were found in 36% of ‘painful’ discs (all with blood vessels) and 25% of control discs. Nerve ingrowth was always less than or equal to blood vessel ingrowth, with a maximum observed penetration of 1.5 mm from the annulus periphery.
In degenerated and painful discs, the ingrowth of nerves appears to follow that of blood vessels, and is facilitated in the region of annulus fissures. No nerves were seen >2mm from the annulus periphery, suggesting that previous reports of nerves in the disc nucleus may refer to vertical growth from a vertebral endplate rather than radial growth through the annulus. Results support the view that discogenic back pain is associated with pain-sensitisation events in the disc periphery.
Research funded by BackCare. M Stefanakis would like to thank the Greek Institute of Scholarships (I.K.Y) for financial support.