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General Orthopaedics


Combined Services Orthopaedic Society (CSOS) - 32nd Meeting


UK personnel have been deployed in Afghanistan since 2001 and over this time a wealth of experience in contemporary war surgery has been developed. Of particular note in the latter Herrick operations the injury pattern suffered by personnel is largely blast wounds, primarily from improvised explosive devices. With the development of improved body armour, previously unsurvivable blasts now result in a large number of traumatic amputations, predominantly affecting the lower limb. Faced with this, deployed medical personnel in the Role 3 facility, Camp Bastion, have developed, by a process of evolution, a standard process for timely management of these injuries.

We present a documented schema and photographic record of the ‘Bastion’ process of management of traumatic amputation through the resuscitation department, radiology, theatres and post-operatively. In resuscitation the priority is control of catastrophic haemorrhage with exchange of CAT tourniquets to Pneumatic tourniquets. While undergoing a CT, time can be used to complete documentation. In theatre a process of social debridement & wash then sterile prep followed by formal debridement allows rapid management of the amputated limbs.

This work provides a record of current best practice that generates maximum efficiency of personnel and time developed over a large number of procedures. This allows reflection both now in relation to continuing Herrick operations and when military medical services are faced with a future conflict and an inevitable change in injury patterns.