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Australian Orthopaedic Association Limited (AOA)


Millions of medical devices made of synthetic or modified natural materials all trigger a similar reaction—the foreign body reaction. Biocompatibility, for materials that pass routine cytoxicity assays, is largely associated with a mild foreign body reaction. I.e. a thin, avacular, collagenous, non-adherent foreign body capsule. The implant is incorporated into a dead-zone of acellular scar. The contemporary tissue engineering paradigm would suggest that synthetic polymers and scaffolds lacking cellular, biomolecule or biomimetic elements will give this same fibrotic, avascular healing reaction.

In this talk, a synthetic biomaterial will be described that readily integrates into tissue and may stimulate spontaneous reconstruction of tissue. The material is fabricated by a process called sphere-templating and it can be made from many synthetic polymers including hydrogels, silicones and polyurethanes. All pores are identical in size and interconnected. Studies from our group have shown optimal healing (as suggested by extensive vascularity and minimal fibrosis) for spherical pores of 30–40 m size. The integrative healing noted is independent of biomaterial. Similar results are observed with sphere-templated silicone rubber and pHEMA hydrogel. In addition, surface chemical modification of the hydrogel with carbonyl diimidazole, or immobilisation on the hydrogel of collagen I or laminin did not change the healing response.

Also, good healing results have been seen upon implantation in skin (subcutaneous, percutaneous), heart muscle, sclera, skeletal muscle, bone and vaginal wall. We consistently find the pore spaces heavily populated by monocytic cells that stain for macrophage cell surface markers. However, at long implantation times (16 or more weeks), the ability to stain for macrophage surface markers decreases. It could be possible that these cells populating the implants are differentiating into other tissues. Thus, such materials may represent a path to cell-free tissue engineering. Others have seen similar healing results, via completely different materials strategies, generally involving biological molecules. The in vivo results from our group and related results from other groups suggest we are on the cusp of a revolution in healing, biomaterials integration and tissue reconstruction. Also, the boundaries between biomaterials and tissue engineering continue to blur.