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General Orthopaedics


Australian Orthopaedic Association Limited (AOA)


Frequently, radiological data is transferred verbally between ED/GP/LMO to the Orthopaedic registrar. Given the different medical backgrounds and presentation skills there is often a limit to the verbal description of the radiographs. The aim of this study is to determine the feasibility and benefits of concurrently using picture messaging of X-rays to enhance communication between ED and Orthopaedic Registrars to optimise patient care. The X-rays of 40 patients referred to orthopaedics OPD or admitted from the ED were photographed and retrospectively reviewed on a mobile phone screen (240 × 320) by an orthopaedic registrar along with a printout of the patient history and verbal description of the x-ray as interpreted by the ED staff. No further information was provided to the registrar. A questionnaire was completed to subjectively and objectively evaluate the therapeutic benefit of the image review. Patient(tm)s management was compared to management plans after image review and differences were attributed to the visual inspection of the x-rays on the mobile phone.

Concurrent to the retrospective review, the ED is currently trialling this with a Sony-Erickson K750i. After hours orthopaedic cases are sent via MMS to the registrar prior to consultation. In the emergency department, 10% of patients who presented with a fracture were reviewed in person by an orthopaedics registrar and none were admitted straight from ED whilst two were admitted following review at the OPD. X-rays of 40 patients were reviewed in this study. Twenty-seven patients presented with a fracture and four with islocations.

When the clinical data was reviewed alongside images of x-rays by an orthopaedic registrar, a difference in management plans were observed in 25% of cases and 7.5% where surgical intervention would yield a better result. Twenty-six of the twenty-seven fractures and four dislocations were successfully visualised on the MMS. In 18 cases, picture messaging provided additional information compared to verbal report alone. The limiting factor in picture messaging was the resolution and size of the radiograph. Ease of operation and portability was found to be satisfactory by both ED and Orthopaedic staff. Equipping the ED with the phone has enhanced communication with the orthopaedics department and increased the potential for optimising patient care. This will be formally assessed through questionnaires after 12 months trial of the phone.

Picture messaging is an inexpensive way of utilising technical advancements to improve patient care. Consistent with current literature, the quality of images was not sufficient as a diagnostic tool but rather a screening tool. Picture messaging is valuable practically and educationally and enhances the consultation and teaching process whilst encompassing medical staff who have limited skills in radiological description.