Clubfoot deformity is the most common congenital musculoskeletal disorder (1). Approximately one in one thousand people are born with at least one clubfoot; between 150,000 and 200,000 babies are born with a clubfoot each year (2). Eighty percent of these cases occur in developing countries, and the majority is left untreated. When infants are treated with a non-invasive casting technique pioneered by Ignacio Ponseti M.D., they generally can be “cured” with relative ease. In the United States, 97% of patients given this treatment can walk successfully and are able to live normal lives (3). The Ponseti Method requires several plaster casts but either no or minimal surgery, can be taught fairly easily not only to doctors but also to healthcare workers, nurses, and other people who have some knowledge and training in healthcare. Also, it requires plaster casting, making it an inexpensive treatment.
Dr. Ignacio Ponseti first performed his non-invasive treatment in 1949, but didn't publish his results until 1963. Two more papers, published in 1979 and 1995 described the long-term outcomes of treatment. In 1996 Oxford Press published a book detailing his approach. Although the treatment has always had high success rates, a lack of publicity prevented it from becoming more widely used until the late 1990s.
Its basic mechanism consists of a series of plaster casts and manipulations that gradually reshape the foot around a fixed talus to obtain correction. Generally, between five and seven casts are required. The casts extend from the toes to the upper thigh and hold the knees at a right angle. One of the most important aspects of this method is timing: infants can be given treatment starting at seven days old and ideally should begin treatment before reaching eight months of age.
Brazil, Uganda, Malawi and Chile now have official national programs, which are sponsored by each country's Ministries of Health, in which clinics in each country treat clubfoot disorder using the Ponseti Method. China set up a national program in 2005, but with a population of 1.3 billion people, it will take several years to complete the training. The prevalence of the Ponseti Method varies in the sixty other countries with healthcare workers trained in the treatment.
This talk will review the principles of treatment and focus on results of recurrence after initial treatment with the Ponseti Method.