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British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS)


Meniscal tears commonly occur after a traumatic twisting injury to the knee (acute) or can form over time (degenerate). Symptoms include pain, swelling, and ‘locking’ of the knee. These symptoms are also commonly associated with osteoarthritis (OA). In some cases of OA, degenerative meniscal tears can also be present making it difficult to determine the cause of symptoms. Furthermore, acute meniscal lesions may be associated with early stage OA but often no radiological signs are evident. Many metabolites associated with joint disorders are released into the synovial fluid providing a real-time snap shot of joint pathology. The ability to examine concentrations of specific metabolites within synovial fluid could provide invaluable clinical information about the cause and stage of joint pathology. We have tested the hypothesis that ‘high resolution 1H-NMR can discriminate between osteoarthritic and meniscal tear-related metabolites within human synovial fluids and aid in clinical diagnosis.’


Synovial fluid samples have been obtained during arthroscopy or knee replacement from patients with varying degrees of joint pathology (cartilage graded 0-4; meniscal tears classified as acute or degenerative). Samples were also taken from patients undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction with no additional pathology. Samples were analysed using 500 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shifts were referenced to known concentration NMR internal standard (TSP), peaks identified by reference to published synovial fluid NMR spectra (1) and peak integrals measured using the Bruker software Topspin 2.0.


Spectroscopy revealed a number of differences in metabolites between OA, meniscal tear and ACL pathologies. These included significantly increased concentrations of glutamate, n-acetyl glycoprotein and β-hydroxybutyrate in OA (n=10) and acute meniscal tears (n=6) compared to ACL samples (p<0.05, T-test, n=6). Specific metabolites were also able to discriminate between OA with no meniscal tear and OA with meniscal tear synovial fluids. For example, concentrations of n-acetyl glycoproteins, glutamate and CH3 lipids were significantly increased in OA without tears (n=10) compared to OA plus meniscal tears (n=12); conversely ceramide concentrations were significantly increased in OA plus tears compared to OA only samples (p<0.05, T-test).


Our preliminary data indicate that the metabolic profiles of synovial fluid differ between OA, OA plus meniscal tear and ACL injuries. OA samples have increased concentrations of n-acetyl glycoproteins which can be indicative of degradative products from cartilage matrix such as hyaluronic acid. The increased concentrations of glutamate in OA may reflect activation of nociceptive, degradative and inflammatory processes (2). These metabolite concentrations were also increased in acute meniscal tear synovial fluids, which may reflect early signs of cartilage pathology. The differing levels of metabolites seen in OA alone compared to OA with meniscal tears may ultimately be a useful indicator of whether cartilage or meniscal pathology predominates within the joint.