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British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS)



Recovery of muscle strength following Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is variable, and can affect the resultant function of the patient. Satellite cells are undifferentiated myogenic precursors considered to be muscle stem cells that lie quiescently around the muscle fibre. These cells repair damaged fibres and have the potential to generate new muscle fibres. Therefore, theoretically, they could be associated with the variation in muscle recovery following surgery. We hypothesised that the recovery of muscle strength following knee replacement in a given patient would be influenced by the underlying number of satellite cells in that patient.


20 patients undergoing TKR were recruited from the waiting list of a single consultant. A muscle biopsy was taken at the time of surgery from the distal quadriceps. This was fixed in paraffin wax, and sections obtained. Satellite cells were identified with a primary mouse antibody for Pax7 - a cytoplasmic protein marker - and an immunofluorescent goat anti-mouse secondary. Slides were counterstained with DAPI to stain the myonuclei. The positive staining index (PSI) was calculated (number of satellite cells/total number of myonuclei x 100). Recovery of muscle (quadriceps) strength was assessed using the leg extensor power-rig (LegRig) pre-operatively, at 6 and 26 weeks post-operatively. Statistical analysis was performed using the Minitab version 15 software, the level of significance was set as p = 0.05.


3 patients were unable to provide follow-up data. The number of satellite cells amongst individual patients in our cohort varied (PSI 3.07 to 11.35). Improvement in muscle power post-op also varied (0 to 70 W) between the 6 and 26 weeks assessment periods. This improvement in wattage generated between assessments reflected a relative improvement of between 0 and 60% in the strength to bodyweight ratio of these patients. The improvement in muscle power correlated with the satellite cell numbers (determined at the time of surgery). This was true for both absolute improvement in wattage generated (r = 0.54 p= 0.038) and also the improvement in strength to body weight ratio (r = 0.47 p = 0.06). Linear regression analysis demonstrated that the relative satellite cell number accounted for 30% of the improvement in muscle power.


We have for the first time demonstrated that the magnitude of improvement in muscle strength following TKR may be influenced by the patient's underlying pool of muscle satellite cells, with up to 30% of the variation of improvement in our cohort attributable to the satellite cell population.