The lateral wall thickness (LWT) in trochanteric femoral fractures is a known predictive factor for postoperative fracture stability. Currently, the AO/OTA classification uses a patient non-specific measure to assess the absolute LWT (aLWT) and distinguish stable A1.3 from unstable A2.1 fractures based on a threshold of 20.5 mm. This approach potentially results in interpatient deviations due to different bone morphologies and consequently variations in fracture stability. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore whether a patient-specific measure for assessment of the relative LWT (rLWT) results in a more precise threshold for prediction of unstable fractures.
Part 1 of the study evaluated 146 pelvic radiographs to assess left-right symmetry with regard to caput-collum-angle (CCD) and total trochanteric thickness (TTT), and used the results to establish the rLWT measurement technique. Part 2 reevaluated 202 patients from a previous study cohort to analyze their rLWT versus aLWT for optimization purposes.
Findings in Part 1 demonstrated a bilateral symmetry of the femur regarding both CCD and TTT (p ≥ 0.827) allowing to mirror bone's morphology and geometry from the contralateral intact to the fractured femur. Outcomes in Part 2 resulted in an increased accuracy for the new determined rLWT threshold (50.5%) versus the standard 20.5 mm aLWT threshold, with sensitivity of 83.7% versus 82.7% and specificity 81.3% versus 77.8%, respectively.
The novel patient-specific rLWT measure can be based on the contralateral femur anatomy and is a more accurate predictor of a secondary lateral wall fracture in comparison to the conventional aLWT. This study established the threshold of 50.5% rLWT as a reference value for prediction of fracture stability and selection of an appropriate implant for fixation of trochanteric femoral fractures.