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The International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS), World Congress of Orthopaedic Research, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7–9 September 2022. Part 1 of 3.


To test and evaluate the effectiveness of local injection of autologous fat-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into fracture site to prevent non-union in a clinically relevant model.

5 male Wistar rats underwent the same surgical procedure of inducing non-union. A mid-shaft tibial osteotomy was made with 1mm non-critical gap. Periosteum was stripped around the two fracture ends. Then, the fracture was fixed by ante-grade intramedullary nail. The non-critical gap was maintained by a spacer with minimal effect on the healing surface area. At the same surgical time, subcutaneous fat was collected from the ipsilateral inguinal region and stem cells were isolated and cultured in vitro. Within three weeks postoperatively, the number of expanded stem cells reached 5×106 and were injected into the fracture site. Healing was followed up for 8 weeks and the quality was measured by serial x-rays, microCT, mechanical testing and histologically. Quality of healing was compared with that of previously published allogenic, xenogeneic MSCs and Purified Buffered Saline (PBS) controls.

All the five fractures united fully after 8 weeks. There was a progressive increase in the callus radiopacity during the eight-week duration, the average radiopacity in the autologous fat-MSC injected group was significantly higher than that of the allogeneic MSCs, xenogeneic MSCs and the control group, P < 0.0001 for treatment, time after injection, and treatment-time interaction (two-way repeated measure ANOVA). MicroCT, mechanical testing and histology confirmed radiological findings.

The autologous fat-MSCs are effective in prevention of atrophic non-union by stimulation of the healing process leading to a solid union. The quality and speed of repair are higher than those of the other types of cell transplantation tested.
