Pelvic tilt can vary over time due to aging and the possible appearance of sagittal spine disorders. Cup position in total hip arthroplasty (THA) can be influenced due to these changes. We assessed the evolution of pelvic tilt and cup position after THA and the possible appearance of complications for a minimum follow-up of ten years.
343 patients received a THA between 2006 and 2009. All were diagnosed with primary osteoarthritis and their mean age was 63.3 years (range, 56 to 80). 168 were women and 175 men. 250 had no significant lumbar pathology, 76 had significant lumbar pathology and 16 had lumbar fusion. Radiological analysis included sacro-femoral-pubic (SFP), acetabular abduction (AA) and anteversion cup (AV) angles. Measurements were done pre-operatively and at 6 weeks, and at five and ten years post-operatively. Three measurements were recorded and the mean obtained at all intervals. All radiographs were evaluated by the same author, who was not involved in the surgery.
There were nine dislocations: six were solved with closed reduction, and three required cup revision. All the mean angles changed over time; the SFP angle from 59.2º to 60º (p=0.249), the AA angle from 44.5º to 46.8º (p=0.218), and the AV angle from 14.7º to 16.2º (p=0.002). The SFP angle was lower in older patients at all intervals (p<0.001). The SFP angle changed from 63.8 to 60.4º in women and from 59.4º to 59.3º in men, from 58.6º to 59.6º (p=0.012). The SFP angle changed from 62.7º to 60.9º in patients without lumbar pathology, from 58.6º to 57.4º in patients with lumbar pathology, and from 57.0º to 56.4º in patients with a lumbar fusion (p=0.919). The SFP cup angle was higher in patients without lumbar pathology than in the other groups (p<0.001), however, it changed more than in patients with lumbar pathology or fusion at ten years after THA (p=0.04).
Posterior pelvic tilt changed with aging, influencing the cup position in patients after a THA. Changes due to lumbar pathology could influence the appearance of complications long-term.