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The New Zealand Orthopaedic Association and the Australian Orthopaedic Association (NZOA AOA) Combined Annual Scientific Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand, 31 October – 3 November 2022. Part 2 of 2.


This study investigated concurrent talar dome injuries associated with tibial pilon fractures, mapping their distribution across the proximal talar dome articular surface. It compared the two main mechanisms of injury (MOI), falling from a height and motor vehicle accident (MVA), and whether the fractures were open or closed.

From a previously compiled database of acute distal tibial pilon fractures (AO/OTA 43B/C) in adults of 105 cases, 53 cases were identified with a concurrent injury to the talar dome with a known mechanism of injury and in 44 it was known if the fracture was open or closed. Case specific 2D injury maps were created using a 1x1mm grid, which were overlayed in an Excel document to allow for comparative analyses. A two-way ANOVA was conducted that examined the effect of both MOI and if the fracture was open or closed on what percentage of the talar dome surface was injured.

There was a statistically-significant difference between the average percentage of injured squares on the talar dome by both whether the fracture was open or closed (f(1)=5.27, p= .027) and the mechanism of injury (f(1)=8.08, p= .007), though the interaction between these was not significant (p= .156). Open injuries and injuries that occurred during an MVA were more likely to increase the surface area of the talar dome injuries.

We have identified both MOI and if the fracture was either open or closed impacts the size of the injury present on the talar dome. Future research will investigate the aetiology of the differences noted, highlighting the clinical implications.

Surgeons treating tibial pilon fractures caused by either a MVA or an open fracture, should be aware of an increased risk of large injuries to the surface of the talar dome.
