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The British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) 2023 Meeting, Cambridge, England, 25–26 September 2023.




Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is a progressive form of muscle ischaemia that is a surgical emergency and can have detrimental outcomes for patients if not treated optimally. The current problem is that there is no clear diagnostic threshold for ACS or guidance as to when fasciotomies should be performed. A new diagnostic method(s) is necessary to provide real-time information about the extent of muscle ischaemia in ACS. Given that lactic acid is produced by cells through anaerobic respiration, it may be possible to measure H+ ion concentration and to use this as a measure of ischaemia within muscle. Although we are familiar with the key biochemical metabolites involved in ischaemia; and the use of viability dyes in cell culture to distinguish between living or dead cells is well recognised; research has not been undertaken to correlate the biochemical and histological findings of ischaemia in skeletal muscle biopsies. Our primary aim was to investigate the potential for viability dyes to be used on live skeletal muscle biopsies (explants). Our secondary aim was to correlate the intramuscular pH readings with muscle biopsy viability.


Nine euthanised Wistar rats were used. A pH catheter was inserted into one exposed gluteus medius muscles to record real-time pH levels and muscle biopsies were taken from the contralateral gluteus medius at the start of experiment and subsequently at every 0.1 of pH unit drop. Prior to muscle biopsy, the surface of the gluteus medius was painted with a layer of 50µmol/l Brilliant blue FCF solution to facilitate biopsy orientation. A 4mm punch biopsy tool was used to take biopsies. Each muscle biopsy was placed in a base mould filled with 4% ultra-low melting point agarose. The agarose embedded tissue block was sectioned to generate 400 micron thick tissue slices with a vibratome. The tissue slices were then placed in the staining solution with Hoechst 33342, Ethidium homodimer-1 and Calcein am. The tissue slices were imaged with Zeiss LSM880 confocal microscope's Z stack function. A dead muscle control was created by adding TritonX-100 to other tissue slices. For quantitative analyses, the images were analysed in Image J using the selection tool. This permitted individual cells to be identified and the mean grey value of each channel to be defined. Using the dead control, we were able to identify the threshold value for living cells using the Calcein AM channel.


Viability dyes, used primarily for cell cultures, can be used with skeletal muscle explants. Our study also showed that despite a significant reduction in tissue pH concentration over time, that almost 100% of muscle cells were still viable at pH 6.0, suggesting that skeletal muscle cells are robust to hypoxic insult in the absence of reperfusion.


Viability dyes can be used on skeletal muscle biopsies. Further research investigating the likely associations between direct measured pH using a pH catheter, the concentrations of key cellular metabolic markers, and muscle tissue histology using vitality dyes in response to ischaemia, rather than hypoxia, is warranted.

Declaration of Interest

(b) declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported:I declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research project.