Osteomyelitis is a challenge in diagnosis and treatment. 18F-FDG PET-CT provides a non-invasive tool for diagnosing and localizing osteomyelitis with a sensitivity reaching 94% and specificity reaching 100%. We aimed to assess the agreement in identifying the geographic area of infected bone and planned resection on plain X-ray versus 18F-FDG PET-CT.
Materials & Methods
Clinical photos and X-rays of ten osteomyelitis patients were shown to ten consultant surgeons; they were asked to draw the area of infection and extent of planned surgical debridement; data will be compared to 18F-FDG PET-CT results.
We tested the agreement between the surgeons in every parameter. Regarding height, there was poor agreement between surgeons. Regarding perimeter, the ten surgeons showed low-moderate agreement. The ten surgeons showed a low-moderate agreement for circularity. Results document the variability of assessment and judgement based on plain X-rays. In comparison to PET-CT, All parameters were significantly different in favour of 18F-FDG PET-CT over X-ray (Pā<ā0.001).
18F FDG PET-CT provides a three-dimensional tool for localizing the exact location of the infected bone and differentiating it from the normal bone. Thus, it could be beneficial in precise pre-operative planning and surgical debridement of chronic osteomyelitis.