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General Orthopaedics


The Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) and Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society (CORS) Annual General Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 8–11 June 2022. Part 1 of 2.


Diagnostic interpretation error of paediatric musculoskeletal (MSK) radiographs can lead to late presentation of injuries that subsequently require more invasive surgical interventions with increased risks of morbidity. We aimed to determine the radiograph factors that resulted in diagnostic interpretation challenges for emergency physicians reviewing pediatric MSK radiographs.

Emergency physicians provided diagnostic interpretations on 1,850 pediatric MSK radiographs via their participation in a web-based education platform. From this data, we derived interpretation difficulty scores for each radiograph using item response theory. We classified each radiograph by body region, diagnosis (fracture/dislocation absent or present), and, where applicable, the specific fracture location(s) and morphology(ies). We compared the interpretation difficulty scores by diagnosis, fracture location, and morphology. An expert panel reviewed the 65 most commonly misdiagnosed radiographs without a fracture/dislocation to identify normal imaging findings that were commonly mistaken for fractures.

We included data from 244 emergency physicians, which resulted in 185,653 unique radiograph interpretations, 42,689 (23.0%) of which were diagnostic errors. For humerus, elbow, forearm, wrist, femur, knee, tibia-fibula radiographs, those without a fracture had higher interpretation difficulty scores relative to those with a fracture; the opposite was true for the hand, pelvis, foot, and ankle radiographs (p < 0 .004 for all comparisons). The descriptive review demonstrated that specific normal anatomy, overlapping bones, and external artefact from muscle or skin folds were often mistaken for fractures. There was a significant difference in difficulty score by anatomic locations of the fracture in the elbow, pelvis, and ankle (p < 0 .004 for all comparisons). Ankle and elbow growth plate, fibular avulsion, and humerus condylar were more difficult to diagnose than other fracture patterns (p < 0 .004 for all comparisons).

We identified actionable learning opportunities in paediatric MSK radiograph interpretation for emergency physicians. We will use this information to design targeted education to referring emergency physicians and their trainees with an aim to decrease delayed and missed paediatric MSK injuries.
