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The European Bone and Joint Infection Society (EBJIS) Meeting, Graz, Austria, 8–10 September 2022.



In recent years, the number of victims of road traffic accidents (RTAs) and resulting surgeries have been on the rise in low income countries. Treatments are often long and costly; resources required to treat fracture related infections (FRI) continue to be a limiting factor in low income countries and standardized management protocols are lacking. This retrospective study reports our facility's experience of femoral FRI management in a low income country and evaluates the surgical outcomes with a minimum follow up of five years.


The clinical and radiographic records of patients who underwent surgery for femoral FRI in our facility between 2005–2016 were analyzed. Twenty-six patients were included (15 males), with a median age of 29 years (range 4–71). The initial fracture was caused by RTA in 22 patients, gunshot in 2, accidental fall in 1 and acute osteomyelitis in 1. Polytrauma was observed in 10. All patients but one were referred for limb reconstruction from other institutions. Surgical treatment was instituted in all: site debridement (SD) alone was performed in 2 patients; SD and hardware removal in 4; SD and external fixation in 4; SD, hardware removal and external fixation in 16. In this latter group, complex treatments such as bone transport (BT) and vascularized fibula flap (VFF) were utilized in 4 and 3 patients respectively.


The mean follow-up was 8.4 years. Bone union was achieved in all cases with eradication of the infection in all but one. A total of 109 surgeries were carried out with an average of 4 surgeries per patient (range 1–13). The external fixation stayed in place for an average of 9.2 months (range 3–20). Complications were common at the last follow-up: limb length discrepancy (LLD) was observed in 18 patients; stiff knee was noted in 16; stiffness of ipsilateral knee and hip in 3; stiff hip in 1 and fused knee in 3. All patients ambulated without assistive devices.


The treatment of femoral FRI is complex, long and often requires the combined effort of the orthopedic and plastic surgical teams. Despite limited resources, our institution achieved good long term surgical outcomes through a variety of methods. Further studies are required across multiple sites to better outline optimal management of femoral FRI in low income countries.
