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The 27th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS), Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2–4 October 2019.


Remodeling of the cancellous bone is more active than that of the cortical bone. It is known that the remodeling is governed by the intracancellous fluid pressure. Particularly, the lacunocanalicular pore (PLC) fluid pressure (FP) is essential for survival of the osteocyte and communication of remodeling signals between the PLC and intertrabecular pore (PIT). As a result, knowledge about the PLCFP generation of trabeculae is required to understand human cancellous bone biology. At this moment, the PLCFP measurement of human trabeculae is not reported. The purpose of this study was a direct measurement of PLCFP generation of human proximal femoral trabeculae in the direction of superior-to-fovea. Twenty one microscopic cylindrical trabecular specimens from trabeculae of five fresh human proximal femur (75 to 77 years) were fabricated using a micro-milling machine composed of the laser (Teemphotonics: 532nm), 3-dimensional PZT stage (PI Gmbh, resolution: 0.5nm), and microscope (lens: Navitar, and CCD: Hitachi) with the image processor. The fabrication resolution of the micro-milling machine was 0.4 um. Based on the trabecular trajectory of femoral head, the specimens were obtained in the direction of superior-to-fovea. The cylindrical specimen size had 120 um in diameter and 240 um in length. The test methods described in the previous study were utilized. The used undrained uniaxial strain condition could induce the maximum PLCFP within the trabecular elastic limit.

The measured trabecular PLCFP (±SD) at the strain of 0.4% was 693.7±79.1 kPa. Since this experiment is equivalent to the instantaneous response of PLCFP with free flow boundaries after application of an extremely fast loading speed such an ideal step loading, a PLCFP generation in the physiological condition will be much less than the results obtained in this study. Base on the linear isotropic poroelasticity, the obtained Skempton's coefficient is almost 0. Thus, the load bearing capability by trabecular PLC fluid is negligible. The Biot coefficient is 0.35 which is higher than that of the cortical tissue (0.14). As a result, the intraosseous fluid communication through trabecular surfaces is active compared to that through Haversian canal surfaces. This imply that mass transports from the trabecular PLC into the PIT and from the PIT into the trabecular PLC could be significantly affected by the PITFP (the physiological blood systolic and diastolic pressure: 16 and 11 kPa, respectively) that acts as the FP boundary condition for the PLC flow. It is known that the PLC flow generates the electrical charges on the trabecular surface (‘+’ for being spouted into the PIT and ‘−’ for being flown into the PLC), which control differentiation and proliferation of the osteoblast and mesenchymal stem cell. Thus, significant changes in the PITFT could cause changes in the intra-trabecular PLC flow characteristics, mass transports between the PLC and PIT, and electrical charges on the trabeculae. Eventually, these could result in pathologies related to the trabecular remodeling.
