Introduction and Objective
The Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP) is a glycoprotein that is elevated in patients with osteoarthritis. The elevation increases linearly with the radiological grade of osteoarthritis. The objective of this study was to study the levels of COMP in knee osteoarthritis in the Indian population and to correlate (establish ranges) with the specific radiological grade of osteoarthritis (Kellgreen and Lawrence grading). Since the radiological classification is subjective, the COMP levels would serve as a more objective way of classifying osteoarthritic joints.
Materials and Methods
We analysed the COMP levels by the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method in 100 patients presenting to the outpatient clinic of our hospital, after obtaining due approvals. The radiographs of these patients were classified according to the Kellgreen-Lawrence grading by a senior orthopaedic surgeon.
We found a linear correlation with the COMP levels and the radiological classification as established in the previous studies. We were also able to establish a range of COMP levels for each classification stage.
This study would provide means to classify osteoarthritis without the need for radiographs thus minimising radiation to the patient. It would also help us to predict the radiological findings thus serving as a guide for further treatment planning.