Introduction and Objective
Neoangiogenesis drives the replacement of mineralized cartilage by trabecular bone during bone growth regulated by molecules like e.g. VEGF, OPG and RANKL and the close interaction of progenitors of osteoblasts, chondrocytes, endothelial cells and osteoclasts/chondroclasts. The Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Syndecan-1 (Sdc-1) plays a role in the interaction between osteoclasts and osteoblasts and the development of blood vessels. As the processes of osteogenesis and angiogenesis are closely related to each other in bone, we expected Sdc-1 to have an influence on vessel structure during aging. Therefore, angiogenesis at the growth plate in mice of different ages was compared and the influence of Syndecan-1 deficiency was characterized.
Materials and Methods
Animals: C57BL/6 (WT) and Sdc1−/− mice were used for native bone analysis at 4, 12 and 18 month age. Femura were dissected, cryoprotected and embedded. Histology: Embedded bones were sectioned into 80um thick slices so that the 3D network of the vascularization of the bone could be visualized using an anti-Endomucin antibody and DAPI as counter staining. For semi-automatical quantification of the vessel bulbs we used a custom made software. In vitro angiogenesis: For aortic ring assay, aortic tissue was isolated from 4 month old mice, cut into 0.5mm rings and embedded in collagen type I matrix. Microvessel outgrowth was quantified after 6 days of culture.
We verified our custom-made software using slices of WT mice and showed that there is no variation of the number of bulbs with regard to the width of the growth plate in periphery versus center zones in all age groups which indicates a homogeneous distribution of angiogenesis throughout the interface of cartilage to newly forming bone. Furthermore, in both, WT and Sdc-1 deficient mice the number of bulbs decreased significantly with age. However, Sdc-1 knockout mice at the age of 4 and 12 month showed a highly significant decrease in angiogenesis close to the growth plate compared to WT mice, whereas in older mice these differences were gone. Quantification of microvessel outgrowth of aortic tissue revealed a significant decrease in number of vessels from rings taken from Syndecan-1 deficient mice compared to WT mice.
Syndecan-1 has a significant impact on neoangiogenesis in vitro and in vivo during aging as demonstrated at the chondro-osseous border of the native bone, emphasizing the importance to further characterize the function of Syndecan-1 regulated processes during enchondral ossification.