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The Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) and The International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2019.


Distal radius fractures are the most common upper extremity injury, and are increasingly being treated surgically with pre-contoured volar-locking plates. These plates are favored for their low-profile template while allowing for rigid anatomic fixation of distal radius fractures. The geometry of the distal radius is extremely complex, and little evidence within the medical literature suggests that current implant designs are anatomically accurate. The main objective of this study is to determine if anatomic alignment of the distal radii corresponds accurately with modern volar-locking plate designs. Additionally, this study will examine sex-linked differences in morphology of the distal radius.

Segmented CT models of ten female cadaver (mean age, 88.7 ± 4.57 years, range, 82 – 97) arms, and ten male cadaver (mean age, 86 ± 3.59 years, range, 81 – 91) arms were created. Micro CT models were obtained for the DePuy Synthes 2.4mm Extra-articular (EA) Volar Distal Radius Plate (4-hole and 5-hole head), and 2.4mm LCP Volar Column (VC) Distal Radius Plate (8-hole and 9-hole head). Plates were placed onto the distal radii models in a 3D visualization software by a fellowship-trained orthopaedic hand surgeon. The percent contact, volar cortical angle (VCA), border and overlap of the watershed line (WSL) were measured.

Both sexes showed an increase in the average VCA measure from medial to lateral columns which was statistically significant. Female VCA ranged from 28 – 36 degrees, and 38 – 45 degrees for males. WSL overlap ranged from 0 – 34.7629% for all specimens without any statistical significance. The average border distance for females was 2.58571 mm, compared to 3.52411 mm for males, with EA plates having a larger border than VC plates. The border distances had statistically significant differences between the plate types, and was approaching significance between sexes. Lastly, a maximum percent contact of 21.966 % was observed in specimen F4 at a 0.3 mm threshold. No statistical significance between plate or sex populations was observed.

This study investigated the incoherency between the volar cortical angle of the distal radius, and the pre-contoured angle of volar locking plates. It was hypothesized that if the VCA measures between plate and bone were unequal then there would be an increase in watershed line overlap, and decrease in percent contact between the surfaces. Our results agreed with literature, indicating that the VCA of bone was larger than that of the EA and VC pre-contoured plates examined in this study.

With distal radius fracture incidences and prevalence on the rise for elderly female patients, it is a necessity that volar locking plates be re-designed to factor in anatomical features of individual patients with a particular focus on sex differences. New designs should focus on providing smaller head sizes that are more accurately tailored to the natural contours of the volar distal radius. It is recommended that future studies incorporate expertise from multiple surgeons to diversify and further understand plate placement strategies.
