Identifying knee osteoarthritis (OA) patient phenotypes is relevant to assessing treatment efficacy, yet biomechanical variability has not been applied to phenotyping. This study aimed to identify demographic and gait related groups (clusters) among total knee arthroplasty (TKA) candidates, and examine inter-cluster differences in gait feature improvement post-TKA.
Knee OA patients scheduled for TKA underwent three-dimensional gait analysis one-week pre and one-year post-TKA, capturing lower-limb external ground reaction forces and kinematics using a force platform and optoelectronic motion capture. Principal component analysis was applied to frontal and sagittal knee angle and moment waveforms (n=135 pre-TKA, n=106 post-TKA), resulting in a new uncorrelated dataset of subject PCscores and PC vectors, describing major modes of variability throughout one gait cycle (0–100%). Demographics (age, gender, body mass index (BMI), gait speed), and gait angle and moment PCscores were standardized and assessed for outliers. One patient exceeding Tukey's outer (3IQR) fence was removed. Two-dimensional multidimensional scaling followed by k-medoids clustering was applied to scaled demographics and pre-TKA PCscores [134×15]. Number of clusters (k=2:10) were assessed by silhouette coefficients, s, and stability by Adjusted Rand Indices (ARI) of 100 data subsets. Clusters were validated by examining inter-cluster differences at baseline, and inter-cluster gait changes (PostPCscore–PrePCscore, n=105) by k-way ANOVA and Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) criterion.
Four (k=4) TKA candidate groups yielded optimum clustering metrics (s = 0.4, ARI=0.75). Cluster 1 was all-males (male:female=19:0) who walked with faster gait speeds (1>2,3), larger flexion angle magnitudes and stance-phase angle range (PC1 & PC4 1>2,3,4), and more flexion (PC2 1>2,3,4) and adduction moment (PC2 & PC3 1>2,3) range patterns. Cluster 1 had the most dynamic kinematics and kinetic loading/unloading range amongst the clusters, representing a higher-functioning (less “stiff”) male subset. Cluster 2 captured older (2>1,3) males (31:1) with slower gait speeds (2 4), and lower flexion angle magnitude (PC1 3 2,3) and less stiff kinematic and kinetic patterns relative to Clusters 2 and 3, representing a higher-functioning female subset. Radiographic severity did not differ between clusters (Kellgren-Lawrence Grade, p=0.9, n=102), and after removing demographics and re-clustering, gender differences remained (p < 0 .04). Pre-TKA, higher-functioning clusters (1&4) had more dynamic loading/un-loading kinetic patterns. Post-TKA, high-functioning clusters experienced less gait improvement (flexion angle PC2, 1,4 < 3, p≥0.004, flexion moment PC2, 4 < 2,3), with some sagittal range patterns decreasing postoperatively.
TKA candidates can be characterized by four clusters, differing by demographics and biomechanical severity features. Post-TKA, functional gains were cluster-specific, stiff-gait clusters experienced more improvement, while higher-functioning clusters experienced less gain and showed some decline. Results suggest the presence of cohorts who may not benefit functionally from TKA. Cluster profiling may support triaging and developing targeted OA treatment strategies, meeting individual function needs.