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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) meeting, 32nd Annual Congress, Toronto, Canada, October 2019. Part 2 of 2.


Alpha Lipoic Acid (L.A.) is an effective natural antioxidant discovered in the human body in 1951 from L.J. Reed and I.C. Gunslaus from liver.

It is inside broccoli, spinach and red meats, especially liver and spleen.

Actually it is largely used as antioxidant in antiaging products according to the low toxicity level of the product.

The present study take into consideration the possibility to reduce oxidation of medical irradiated UHMWPE GUR 1050, mixing together polyethylene powder and Alpha Lipoic Acid powder.

The study is composed of two parts.

Part 1 Thermostability of alpha lipoic acid during polyethylene fusion Part 2 detection of oxygen level in artificially aged irradiated polyethylene

Solid pieces were made with Gur 1050 powder (Ticona Inc., Bayport, Tex, USA) and mixed with Alpha Lipoic Acid (Talamonti, Italy, Stock 1050919074) 0,1%-­‐0,3%-­‐0,5%-­‐1%-­‐2% and gamma ray irradiated with 30 kGy (Isomedix, Northborough, MA).

An owen (80° Celsius) was used to produce an aging effect for 35 days in the doped and control samples (Conventional not doped polyethylene). This process simulate an aging effect of 10 years into the human body.

Part 1 : THERMAL STABILITY : a Fourier Transfer Infra Red (FTIR) test was made in pieces molded in a cell at 150° and 200°Celsius and pressure of 200 MPa comparing to the UHMWPE powder mixed with alpha lipoic acid. The presence of Alpha Lipoic Acid in the polyethylene was found at any depth in the manufacts.

Part 2 : OXIDATION OF THE SURFACE : After 5 weeks at 80° Celsius in a owen (ASTM standard F-­‐2003-­‐02)A FOURIER TRANSFER INFRA RED TEST (FTIR) was made in the superficial layer and deeper on the undersurface of doped 0,1% and conventional UHMWPE.

The antioxidation limit is defined as the ratio of the area under 1740cm/−­‐1 carbonyl and 1370 cm/−­‐1 Methylene absorbance peaks.

In conventional UHMWPE oxidation is detected on the surface and decreases in the deeper layers down to zero under 1500 Micron.

In the doped UHMWPE, FTIR demonstrate a very low oxidation limit on the surface and at any depth, comparing to conventional UHMWPE.

The examples show that Lipoic Acid is effective as antioxidant in irradiated UHMWPE and it is stable with respect to thermal treatment.

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