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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) meeting, 32nd Annual Congress, Toronto, Canada, October 2019. Part 2 of 2.



The process of wear and corrosion at the head-neck junction of a total hip replacement is initiated when the femoral head and stem are joined together during surgery. To date, the effects of the surface topography of the femoral head and metal stem on the contact mechanics during assembly and thus on tribology and fretting corrosion during service life of the implant are not well understood. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the surface topography of the metal stem taper on contact mechanics and wear during assembly of the head-neck junction using Finite Element models.

Materials and Methods

2D axisymmetric Finite Element models were developed consisting of a simplified head-neck junction incorporating the surface topography of a threaded stem taper to investigate axial assembly with 1 kN. Subsequently, a base model and three modifications of the base model in terms of profile peak height and plateau width of the stem taper topography and femoral head taper angle were calculated. To account for the wear process during assembly a law based on the Archard equation was implemented. Femoral head was modeled as ceramic (linear-elastic), taper material was either modeled as titanium, stainless steel or cobalt-chromium (all elastic-plastic). Wear volume, contact area, taper subsidence, equivalent plastic strain, von Mises stress, engagement length and crevice width was analyzed.


Titanium tapers showed largest wear volume throughout all simulations, followed by stainless steel and cobalt-chromium. A larger head taper angle resulted in an increase of the wear volume for all taper materials while the increase of the plateau width resulted in a decrease of the wear volume. Taper subsidence, von Mises stress and equivalent plastic strain followed the same trends. Contact area was largest for the models with a large plateau width for all taper materials. Other taper parameters had little effect on contact area. A pure increase of the angular mismatch (AM) resulted in the strongest decrease of the engagement length, while a combined increase of the AM and plateau width showed only a moderate decrease. The smallest effect concerning the engagement length was found when a combined increase of the profile peak height and AM was simulated. Crevice width was largest for a pure increase of the AM and for a combined increase of the AM and profile peak height for all taper materials.


This study showed that depending on the surface topography and material of the stem taper, wear and taper mechanics during assembly could be affected. For the examined surface topographies wear is distinctively elevated by increasing the AM and the profile peak height due to the resulting higher mechanical loading. More parameter studies under in vivo loading and the study of other taper surface parameters like the peak-to-peak distance have to be conducted to get a deeper insight into taper mechanics and wear effects. However, this study demonstrates the importance of good manufacturing practice of components for hip replacement systems to guarantee reproducible taper mechanics.

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