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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) meeting, 32nd Annual Congress, Toronto, Canada, October 2019. Part 2 of 2.



Large-scale retrieval studies have shown backside wear in tibial inserts is dependent on the surface roughness of the tibial tray. Manufacturers acknowledge this design factor and have responded with the marketing of mirror-finished trays, which are clinically proven to have lower wear rates in comparison to historically “rough” (e.g. grit blasted) trays. While the relationship between wear and surface roughness has been explored in other polymer applications, the quantitative dependence of backside wear rate on quantitative surface finish has not yet been established for modern devices. The present study evaluates small-excursion polyethylene wear on pucks of a variety of surface roughnesses. The objective of this study is to determine where inflection points exist in the relationship between surface roughness and wear rate.

Materials and Methods

An AMTI Orthopod, 6-station pin on disk tribotest was designed to mimic worst-case in vivo backside wear conditions based on published retrieval analyses. Titanium (Ti6Al4V) pucks with six different surface roughness preparations (Sa ranges from 0.06 um to 1.06 um) were characterized with white light profilometry. Never implanted polyethylene tibial inserts (never irradiated, EtO sterilized) were machined into 6 mm diameter cylindrical pins. Fretting-type motion was conducted in a 2mm square pattern at 2Hz under 100 N constant force in 25% bovine serum lubricant for 1.35 million cycles in triplicate. Mass measurements were taken every 225 thousand cycles.


Over the range of surface roughness studied (Sa = 0.06 – 1.06 µm), wear rate grew logistically. The wear rate for highly polished titanium (Sa = 0.06 µm) was not statistically different from less-polished titanium with Sa of 0.14 µm (p > 0.1). Titanium pucks having the highest surface roughness (Sa > 0.5µm), removed material significantly faster than those with roughness less than 0.3µm. The results of these tests suggest that Ti trays with Sa less than 0.15µm may yield equivalent clinical backside wear results, while pucks with Sa greater than 0.15µm begin to have increased wear rates that may be clinically significant. The two pucks with Sa greater than 0.5 µm yielded wear rates failing to be statistically differentiable (p = 0.059), corresponding with the flattening of the logistic curve.


These results suggest that baseplates with Sa less than 0.15 µm may ultimately yield clinically equivalent outcomes. The wear rate curve changes slope between Sa 0.14 and 0.22 µm and continues to increase across the range of surface roughnesses studied. The wear rates on rough pucks (Sa > 0.5 µm) showed high variation, reducing the ability to distinguish the two statistically (p = 0.059). Further study will better distinguish wear properties at higher surface roughnesses.


These findings demonstrate that there may be a range of finishes between a mirror polish and grit blast that may produce clinically equivalent wear rates. This work provides justification for further study into the relationship between backside wear, baseplate tray roughness, and material choices.

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