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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) meeting, 32nd Annual Congress, Toronto, Canada, October 2019. Part 2 of 2.



Corrosion products from modular taper junctions are a potent source of adverse tissue reactions after THR. In an attempt to increase the area of contact and resistance to interface motion in the face of taper mismatches, neck trunnions are often fabricated with threaded surfaces designed to deform upon assembly. However, this may lead to incomplete contact and misalignment of the head on the trunnion, depending upon the geometry and composition of the mating components. In this study we characterized the effect of different femoral head materials on the strength and area of contact of modular taper constructs formed with TiAlV trunnions.

Materials and Methods

Three groups of 36mm femoral heads (CoCr, Biolox ceramic; Oxinium) and matching Ti-6Al-4V rods with 12/14 trunnions were selected for use in this study. The surface of each trunnion was coated with a 20nm layer of gold applied by sputter-coating in vacuo. Each head/trunnion pair was placed in an alignment jig and assembled with a peak axial impaction force of 2000N using a drop tower apparatus. After assembly, each taper was disassembled in a custom apparatus mounted in a mechanical testing machine (Bionix. MTS. After separation of the components, the surface of each trunnion was examined with backscattered electron microscopy to reveal the area of disruption of the original gold-coated surface. Images encompassing the entire surface of the trunnion were collected and quantified by image processing.


The force required to disassemble the Oxinium and Biolox heads from their mating tapers were 2153±104N and 2200±145N, respectively (p-=0.5359). In contrast, the average disassembly force of the CoCr-TiAlV couples was 47% less (1165±156N, p<0.0001). Direct contact between the trunnion and the femoral head was only present over 3.7±0.3% of the nominal surface area of the modular junctions and was limited to the crests of the threads. Contact area did not vary as a function of head composition (p>0.4). However, there were noticeable differences in terms of the distribution of contact between the head and the trunnion. CoCr heads typically had large spans of noncontact immediately below the apex of the taper and opposite each other at the trunnion base. Biolox heads tended to have complete contact at the apex but only extended down 30% of the taper and intermittently at the base. Oxinium heads had comparable complete contact areas to Biolox at the apex but unlike Biolox and CoCr, a uniform band of contact existed at the base.


  1. CoCr heads provided only half the resistance to disassembly of Biolox and Oxinium heads.

  2. The total area of direct head-trunnion contact is minimal and is not affected by head composition.

  3. The heads studied had characteristic patterns of interface contact. This may be due to variations in the geometry of the bores within each head combined with cocking of the femoral head during seating as the thread peaks are being deformed.

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