The first three months following Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) provide an early window into a patient's functional outcomes, with the change of function in this time yielding valuable insight.
20 patients due to undergo primary TKA were recruited to the study. Data were recorded at three time points; pre-assessment clinic (PAC) before the operation, 6-weeks-post-operation (6WKs), at 12-weeks-post-operation (12WKs). Functional activity levels were monitored during early post-operative recovery for changes in early functional outcome, and allowed a comparison of metrics at each time point. This included direct functional testing of power output, timed functional performance in clinic, patient reported outcome measures, and multiday activity monitoring devices. Maximal power output symmetry (Power) was similar at 6WKs vs PAC (p = 0.37). At 12WKs, it had increased (p < 0.05). Timed functional performance (Performance) remained similar across all three time points (p = 0.27). Patient reported activities of daily living (ADL) performance significantly increased at 6WKs vs PAC (p < 0.05). At 12WKs, it remained similar (p = 0.10). Patient daily step count significantly decreased at 6WKs vs PAC (p < 0.05). By 12WKs, this had increased to similar levels to PAC (p = 0.30). Within the functional outcome measures, strong post-operative correlations were observed between Power and Performance (r = 0.62), Power and ADL (r = 0.49), and Performance and ADL (r = 0.61). Despite reduced measured step count and similar functional performance, patients report improved ADL at 6WKs. When symmetrical power output and measured step count have improved at 12WKs, patients report similar ADL to that at 6WKs. Multiple measures are required to get a full picture, however this highlights the different aspects measured by different tools.