The aim of this study was to evaluate the trochlear bone and cartilaginous regeneration of rabbits using a composite based on platelet rich plasma (PRP), chitosan and hydroxyapatite. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Federal University of Campina Grande under number 72/2017. Surgical holes measuring four millimetres in diameter were performed in rabbit trochleae, one surgical hole in each animal remained empty and another one was filled with the composite. Clinical-orthopaedic and radiographic evaluations were carried out for 60 days, after which the animals were euthanized for histomorphometric evaluations. Clinical-evaluations exhibited lameness of two members of the treatment (T) group and one member of control (C) group. The radiographic evaluation of T group exhibited absence of subchondral bone reaction (33%); nonetheless, presence of moderate subchondral bone reaction was more frequently reported in group C with 67%. Microscopic evaluation revealed the presence of tissue neoformation, composed of dense connective tissue. Microscopic findings were similar in both groups, with a difference in the amount of neoformed tissue, which was confirmed after the morphometric analysis, revealing a significant difference in the quantity of newly formed tissue at the bone / cartilage / implant interface in the T group. The results indicate that the composite based on chitosan, hydroxyapatite and PRP enhanced bone and cartilage healing.