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Current Concepts in Joint Replacement (CCJR) Winter 2017 Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, December 2017.


While advances in laboratory and imaging modalities facilitate the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI), clinical suspicion and a thorough history and physical remain the basis of evaluation. If clinical suspicion is high, the evaluation should be more vigorous, and vice versa.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are inexpensive as well as ubiquitous, and should be obtained as a preliminary screening tool. These tests have been found to be cost-effective and highly sensitive. If both tests are negative, there is a low risk of periprosthetic joint infection (i.e., good negative predictive value). Positive results on both tests, in contrast, are not as specific but again raise suspicion.

When either the ESR or CRP is elevated, or if the clinical suspicion for infection is high, aspiration of the knee joint is suggested. Synovial fluid should be sent for a synovial fluid white blood cell count (WBC), differential and culture. Given the ability to get three data points from one intervention, arthrocentesis, is the best single maneuver the physician can perform to rule in or out PJI. The synovial fluid WBC count has demonstrated in multiple studies excellent specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of infection. Based on multiple recent studies, the proceedings of the International Consensus on PJI recommend cut-offs for the synovial fluid WBC count as >3000 cells/mL and > 80% neutrophils for the differential.

Synovial fluid biomarkers represent an expanding area of clinical interests based on the unique cascade of gene expression that occurs in white blood cells in response to pathogens. Deirmegian et al. described the unique gene expression and biomarker production by neutrophils in response to bacteria that are detectable in synovial fluid. Specifically, alpha-defensin is one such antimicrobial peptide. Along with synovial CRP, alpha-defensin can be measured in a currently commercially-available immunoassays.

The diagnosis of PJI can be difficult to make in spite of the variety of tests available. That being said, the diagnosis is easily made in our experience in 90% of patients by getting an ESR and CRP followed by selective aspiration of the joint if these values are elevated or if the clinical suspicion is high. Synovial fluid obtained should be sent for a synovial fluid WBC count, differential and cultures.