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Foot & Ankle


British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (BOFAS) Annual Scientific Meeting, Sheffield, November 2017



This study analyzes position of the peroneal tendons and status of the superior peroneal retinaculum (SPR) whenever a lateral malleolar bony flake fracture occurs.


Twenty-four patients had a lateral malleolar bony fleck on anteroposterior ankle radiographs, either in isolation or associated with other hindfoot injuries. We studied size of the bony flecks, presence or absence of peroneal tendon dislocation and pathoanatomy on CT scans.


In 11 patients, a small bony fleck lies within the superior peroneal retinaculum and contiguous periosteum, which are stripped off the lateral fibula (Class II lesions). Tendons dislocate into the subperiosteal pouch thus formed, resembling Class I lesions without associated bony avulsion. Treatment for Class II is same as for Class I injuries.

In 8 patients with big bony fleck, tendons dislocate into the fracture site and SPR is intact (Class III lesions). Surgical approach for tendon relocation and bone fixation differs. In particular, the intact attachment of the SPR on the bony fleck must not be incised. The healing process of neglected Class III lesions resembles a groove deepening procedure, representing an attempt to form a stable platform for the dislocated tendons. A neglected Class II lesion resembles a neglected Class I lesion.

In Class IV lesions, observed in 5 patients with 2-part calcaneal fracture/dislocation, SPR remains intact and peroneal tendons are not dislocated. The invariably large fleck results from the displacing lateral calcaneal fragment abutting against the fibula, whereas the dislocating tendons cause the bony avulsions in Classes II and III.


Due to pathoanatomical differences, surgical approach and natural history of neglected lesions differ depending on size of the bony fleck. The SPR must not be incised in case of big Class III flecks. Beware of false negatives when probing the peroneal tendons intra-operatively in Class III and IV lesions.